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Changeset 516

01/16/14 14:32:58

Add green bar as indicator of sample time to glider DO hysteresis plots.



  • gliderproc/trunk/pelagia_DO_hysteresis_plots.m

    r515 r516  
    3 f1 = figure('Name', 'Pelagia Dissolved Oxygen Hysteresis Analysis', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); 
     3figure('Name', 'Pelagia Dissolved Oxygen Hysteresis Analysis', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); 
    5 sp1 = subplot(3, 4, 1); 
    6 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
     5start = 250174; 
     6middle = 250290;  
     7stop = 250401; 
     8subplot(3, 4, 1); 
     9[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
    710datetick(ax(1), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    811datetick(ax(2), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    912set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    1013set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    11 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'}); 
    12 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    13 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    14 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     14title({'Pelagia Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color[rgb]{0 .5 0}Sample Time as Green Bar'}); 
     15xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     16ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     17ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     19yl = get(gca, 'YLim'); 
     20line([ptime_ebd_datenum(middle) ptime_ebd_datenum(middle)], [yl(1) yl(2)], 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'green', 'LineWidth', 2); 
    16 sp2 = subplot(3, 4, 2); 
    17 start = 250174; 
    18 middle = 250290;  
    19 stop = 250401; 
    20 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
     22subplot(3, 4, 2); 
     23[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
    2124datetick(ax(1), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    2225datetick(ax(2), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    2326set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    2427set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    25 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
    26 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    27 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    28 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     28title({'Pelagia Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
     29xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     30ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     31ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    30 sp3 = subplot(3, 4, 3); 
    31 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
     33subplot(3, 4, 3); 
     34plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
    3235hold on; 
    33 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    34 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    35 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    36 yl = ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
     36plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     37title({'Pelagia Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     38xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     39ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
    38 sp4 = subplot(3, 4, 4); 
    39 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
     41subplot(3, 4, 4); 
     42plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
    4043hold on; 
    41 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    42 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 1'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    43 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    44 yl = ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
     44plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     45title({'Pelagia Deployment 1'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     46xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     47ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
    49 sp1 = subplot(3, 4, 5); 
    50 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
     52start = 303249; 
     53middle = 303491;  
     54stop = 303678; 
     55subplot(3, 4, 5); 
     56[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
    5157datetick(ax(1), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    5258datetick(ax(2), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    5359set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    5460set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    55 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'}); 
    56 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    57 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    58 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     61title({'Pelagia Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color[rgb]{0 .5 0}Sample Time as Green Bar'}); 
     62xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     63ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     64ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     66yl = get(gca, 'YLim'); 
     67line([ptime_ebd_datenum(middle) ptime_ebd_datenum(middle)], [yl(1) yl(2)], 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'green', 'LineWidth', 2); 
    60 sp2 = subplot(3, 4, 6); 
    61 start = 303249; 
    62 middle = 303491;  
    63 stop = 303678; 
    64 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
     69subplot(3, 4, 6); 
     70[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
    6571datetick(ax(1), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    6672datetick(ax(2), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    6773set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    6874set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    69 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
    70 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    71 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    72 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     75title({'Pelagia Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
     76xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     77ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     78ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    74 sp3 = subplot(3, 4, 7); 
    75 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
     80subplot(3, 4, 7); 
     81plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
    7682hold on; 
    77 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    78 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    79 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    80 yl = ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
     83plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     84title({'Pelagia Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     85xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     86ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
    82 sp4 = subplot(3, 4, 8); 
    83 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
     88subplot(3, 4, 8); 
     89plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
    8490hold on; 
    85 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    86 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 2'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    87 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    88 yl = ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
     91plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     92title({'Pelagia Deployment 2'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     93xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     94ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
    93 sp1 = subplot(3, 4, 9); 
    94 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
     99start = 134879; 
     100middle = 135082;  
     101stop = 135263; 
     102subplot(3, 4, 9); 
     103[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
    95104datetick(ax(1), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    96105datetick(ax(2), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    97106set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    98107set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    99 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'}); 
    100 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    101 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    102 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     108title({'Pelagia Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color[rgb]{0 .5 0}Sample Time as Green Bar'}); 
     109xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     110ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     111ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     113yl = get(gca, 'YLim'); 
     114line([ptime_ebd_datenum(middle) ptime_ebd_datenum(middle)], [yl(1) yl(2)], 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'green', 'LineWidth', 2); 
    104 sp2 = subplot(3, 4, 10); 
    105 start = 134879; 
    106 middle = 135082;  
    107 stop = 135263; 
    108 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
     116subplot(3, 4, 10); 
     117[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
    109118datetick(ax(1), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    110119datetick(ax(2), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    111120set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    112121set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    113 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
    114 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    115 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    116 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     122title({'Pelagia Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
     123xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     124ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     125ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    118 sp3 = subplot(3, 4, 11); 
    119 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
     127subplot(3, 4, 11); 
     128plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
    120129hold on; 
    121 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    122 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    123 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    124 yl = ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
     130plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     131title({'Pelagia Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     132xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     133ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
    126 sp4 = subplot(3, 4, 12); 
    127 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
     135subplot(3, 4, 12); 
     136plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
    128137hold on; 
    129 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    130 tt = title({'Pelagia Deployment 3'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    131 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    132 yl = ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
     138plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     139title({'Pelagia Deployment 3'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     140xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     141ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
  • gliderproc/trunk/ramses_DO_hysteresis_plots.m

    r515 r516  
    3 f1 = figure('Name', 'Ramses Dissolved Oxygen Hysteresis Analysis', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); 
     3figure('Name', 'Ramses Dissolved Oxygen Hysteresis Analysis', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); 
    5 sp1 = subplot(3, 4, 1); 
    6 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
     5start = 279409; 
     6middle = 279890;  
     7stop = 280179; 
     8subplot(3, 4, 1); 
     9[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
    710datetick(ax(1), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    811datetick(ax(2), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    912set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    1013set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    11 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'}); 
    12 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    13 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    14 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     14title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color[rgb]{0 .5 0}Sample Time as Green Bar'}); 
     15xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     16ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     17ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     19yl = get(gca, 'YLim'); 
     20line([ptime_ebd_datenum(middle) ptime_ebd_datenum(middle)], [yl(1) yl(2)], 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'green', 'LineWidth', 2); 
    16 sp2 = subplot(3, 4, 2); 
    17 start = 279409; 
    18 middle = 279890;  
    19 stop = 280179; 
    20 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
     22subplot(3, 4, 2); 
     23[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
    2124datetick(ax(1), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    2225datetick(ax(2), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    2326set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    2427set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    25 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
    26 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    27 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    28 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     28title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
     29xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     30ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     31ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    30 sp3 = subplot(3, 4, 3); 
    31 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
     33subplot(3, 4, 3); 
     34plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
    3235hold on; 
    33 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    34 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    35 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    36 yl = ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
     36plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     37title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     38xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     39ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
    38 sp4 = subplot(3, 4, 4); 
    39 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
     41subplot(3, 4, 4); 
     42plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
    4043hold on; 
    41 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    42 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    43 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    44 yl = ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
     44plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     45title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     46xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     47ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
    49 sp1 = subplot(3, 4, 5); 
    50 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
     52start = 96030; 
     53middle = 96414;  
     54stop = 96765; 
     55subplot(3, 4, 5); 
     56[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
    5157datetick(ax(1), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    5258datetick(ax(2), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    5359set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    5460set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    55 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'}); 
    56 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    57 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    58 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     61title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color[rgb]{0 .5 0}Sample Time as Green Bar'}); 
     62xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     63ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     64ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     66yl = get(gca, 'YLim'); 
     67line([ptime_ebd_datenum(middle) ptime_ebd_datenum(middle)], [yl(1) yl(2)], 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'green', 'LineWidth', 2); 
    60 sp2 = subplot(3, 4, 6); 
    61 start = 96030; 
    62 middle = 96414;  
    63 stop = 96765; 
    64 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
     69subplot(3, 4, 6); 
     70[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
    6571datetick(ax(1), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    6672datetick(ax(2), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    6773set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    6874set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    69 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
    70 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    71 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    72 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     75title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
     76xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     77ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     78ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    74 sp3 = subplot(3, 4, 7); 
    75 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
     80subplot(3, 4, 7); 
     81plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
    7682hold on; 
    77 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    78 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    79 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    80 yl = ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
     83plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     84title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     85xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     86ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
    82 sp4 = subplot(3, 4, 8); 
    83 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
     88subplot(3, 4, 8); 
     89plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
    8490hold on; 
    85 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    86 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    87 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    88 yl = ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
     91plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     92title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     93xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     94ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
    93 sp1 = subplot(3, 4, 9); 
    94 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
     99start = 66193; 
     100middle = 66521;  
     101stop = 66842; 
     102subplot(3, 4, 9); 
     103[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); 
    95104datetick(ax(1), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    96105datetick(ax(2), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    97106set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    98107set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    99 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'}); 
    100 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    101 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    102 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     108title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color[rgb]{0 .5 0}Sample Time as Green Bar'}); 
     109xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     110ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     111ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     113yl = get(gca, 'YLim'); 
     114line([ptime_ebd_datenum(middle) ptime_ebd_datenum(middle)], [yl(1) yl(2)], 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'green', 'LineWidth', 2); 
    104 sp2 = subplot(3, 4, 10); 
    105 start = 66193; 
    106 middle = 66521;  
    107 stop = 66842; 
    108 [ax, h1, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
     116subplot(3, 4, 10); 
     117[ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); 
    109118datetick(ax(1), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    110119datetick(ax(2), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); 
    111120set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); 
    112121set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); 
    113 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
    114 xl = xlabel('Time'); 
    115 yl1 = ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
    116 yl2 = ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     122title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); 
     123xlabel('UTC Time'); 
     124ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); 
     125ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    118 sp3 = subplot(3, 4, 11); 
    119 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
     127subplot(3, 4, 11); 
     128plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); 
    120129hold on; 
    121 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    122 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    123 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    124 yl = ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
     130plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     131title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     132xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     133ylabel('Depth (m)'); 
    126 sp4 = subplot(3, 4, 12); 
    127 p1 = plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
     135subplot(3, 4, 12); 
     136plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); 
    128137hold on; 
    129 p2 = plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
    130 tt = title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
    131 xl = xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
    132 yl = ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); 
     138plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); 
     139title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); 
     140xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); 
     141ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)');