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11 <TITLE>FDCONT Version 1.0 (Beta) Documentation Pages</TITLE>
14 <B><font color="#ff0000" size=+2>FDCONT 1.0 </font> - a finite difference
15 based contouring and vector plotting facility
16 for FEM 2-D scalar and vector fields for the DARTMOUTH series of
17 finite element shallow water models.</B>
19 <br><br><br><br>
21 <table border=0 cellspacing=1 width=800>
22 <tr>
23 <td width=50%>
24 <p>
25 One problem with generating colorbanded contour plots in MATLAB
26 is that the resolution of typical FEM meshes tends to burden MATLAB
27 when it comes to producing a postscript version of the figure.  Each
28 element in the grid is rendered as a patch object, and if shading
29 is turned on, the rendered postscript file actually looks bad.
30 There is no reasonable way to subsample the FEM nodes.
32 The purpose of FDCONT is to provide contouring and vector plotting
33 routines that map FEM node-based data to a finite-difference grid that
34 covers the FEM domain at an arbitrary level of resolution.  The
35 resulting figure is better handled by MATLAB regarding postscript
36 printing, and the results are "publication quality".
38 <td>
39 <IMG SRC="fig.gif" ALIGN=center>
41 </table>
43 <P> FDCONT is written by Dr. Christopher E. Naimie and Brian
44 O. Blanton, is implemented entirely in MATLAB5.1 or higher, and is based
45 on Christopher E. Naimie's hybrid FORTRAN/MATLAB colorbanding routines.
47 <P> FDCONT is packaged separately from the rest of OPNML/MATLAB, but
48 it <font color="#FF0000">REQUIRES</font> several routines from the latest
49 OPNML toolbox.  Go to the <a
50 href="">OPNML/MATLAB</a> webpabes
51 for downloading information.
54 <p>These web pages describe the FDCONT routines and provide a
55 brief demonstration and an example that generates a figure silimar to
56 the one above.
57 Familiarity with the OPNML/MATLAB routines is assumed, which uses
58 MATLAB5's structure facility for the grid information i
59 (<tt>&#139fem_grid_struct&gt</tt>).
61 <p> See a
62 <a
63 href=""
64 >webpage</a>
65 of Chris's for figures generated with these tools.
67 <hr>
68 <h4> FDCONT function descriptions</h4>
69 <b><pre>
70  FDVECTOR  - plot vectors from a bfd sampling.
71  FDCONTOUR - contour FE scalar on FD grid
72  FE2FD     - interpolate FE data to FD nodes contained in bfd array
73  GENBFD    - generate a "basis function data" file for FD contouring
74  LNDFILL   - draw land polygons for FEM domain
75  LNDMAKE   - create land masking information for FD CONTOURING
76  READ_BEL  - read a FEM domain .bel file
77 </pre></b>
78 <p>
79 <b>Synopsis:</b>
80 FDCONT works as follows:  an evenly spaced grid is placed on top of
81 the FEM domain, the FEM-based fields are interpolated to these
82 FD points, vectors are plotted, contours are drawn, and then the
83 FD points that lie outside the FEM domain are masked out by a
84 polygon that describes where the FEM boundary lies.
86 <hr>
88 <h2><b> Preliminary Steps:</b></h2>  The contouring in FDCONT works by
89 interpolating the FEM data to the regular grid, contouring with
90 CONTOURF, and then  covering up the part of the figure that lies outside
91 of the FEM domain.  The first step is thus to generate the information
92 needed by FDCONTOUR to mask out the exterior of the FEM domain. 
94 <p><b>LNDMAKE</b>
95 <table border=0 cellspacing=7  width=800>
96 <tr>
97 <td>
98 The function LNDMAKE
99 takes as input a <tt>fem_grid_struct</tt> and a <tt>.bel</tt> filename (QUODDY
100 boundary element file) and outputs to disk two files,
101 <tt>&#139gridname&gt.lnd</tt>
102 and <tt>&#139gridname&gt.lbe</tt>.  These files are node and element lists for a polygon
103 that encloses the FEM domain and need only be generated once per
104 domain.  They can be placed in the standard location for the given grid,
105 since the OPNML/MATLAB function LOADGRID now searches for these files along
106 with the standard grid files.  Alternatively, LOADGRID will search the
107 current working directory for <tt> &#139gridname&gt.lnd.lnd</tt> and
108 <tt>&#139gridname&gt.lnd.lbe</tt> in case the
109 user chooses to keep these new file locally.  LOADGRID attaches two new
110 fields to the <tt>fem_grid_struct</tt>,
111 <tt>fem_grid_struct.lnd</tt> and <tt>fem_grid_struct.lbe</tt>. 
112 Subsequent calls to FDCONTOUR require that the land description fields of the
113 <tt>&#139fem_grid_struct&gt</tt> be filled.
114 At present. the <tt>.bel</tt> file must be ordered with the exterior
115 boundary counterclockwise, starting from the western-most
116 boundary node.  Islands follow, connected.  The OPNML boundary
117 file generator (as well as the fortran code CONVCODES) outputs
118 the .bel file in this order.  If the resulting figure looks
119 wrong, then read the .bel file into GENBEL and output is to
120 a new file name.  Pass this new file namd to LNDMAKE.
121 This requirement will be removed in future versions of FDCONT.
124 <td>
126 <img src="fig2.gif" ALIGN=right>
127 </table>
128 <p>
129 Assuming we have a FEM domain loaded into the structure variable
130 <tt>g2s</tt>, then to generate the land description for the long/lat g2s.5b
131 FEM domain, where <tt>g2sll</tt> is the <tt>fem_grid_struct</tt> for the FEM domain, and
132 <tt>g2s.5bll.tides.bel</tt> is a boundary element file for the
133 <tt>g2s.5b</tt>
134 grid, type:
135 <pre>
136   >> lndmake(g2sll,'g2s.5bll.tides.bel')
137 </pre>
138 LNDMAKE writes the files <tt>g2s.5b.lnd</tt> and <tt>g2s.5b.lbe</tt> to the current
139 working directory and displays the land polygons in a figure like the one
140 above.
142 <hr>
143 <H2>Loading the Land Description files</h2>
144 Consider that the above LNDMAKE procedure is done only once per grid.
145 The next time the grid is loaded with LOADGRID,  the new land description
146 fields will be filled. (Notice that the
147 <tt>fem_grid_struct</tt> <tt>g2s</tt> now contains the new fields .lnd and .lbe):
148 <pre>
149    >> g2s=loadgrid('g2s.5bll')
150    Searching locally ...
151    Got g2s.5bll.nod
152    Got g2s.5bll.ele
153    Got g2s.5bll.bat
154       g2s.5bll.bnd not found; computing from g2s.5bll.ele.
155    Got g2s.5bll.lnd
156    Got g2s.5bll.lbe
157 </pre>
159 <hr>
160 <H2>FD node generation: GENBFD</h2>
161 The contouring routine FDCONTOUR needs basis function information
162 for each FD node.  This information is contained in a "bfd" array,
163 for <font color="#ff0000">b</font>asis <font color="#ff0000">f</font>unction
164 <font color="#ff0000">d</font>ata.  GENBFD generates this array, given a
165 FEM domain and discretization levels.  Optionally, GENBFD outputs
166 the array to disk since once an interpolation resolution is
167 decided upon, the basis information does not change.  Deciding on
168 the final resolution is up to the user.
170 <pre>
171 >> bfd=genbfd(fem_grid_struct,[nx ny],outflag);
172 </pre>
173 <table border=0 cellspacing=7 width=800>
174 <tr>
175 <td>
176 <p> GENBFD is called as:
177 where <tt>[nx ny]</tt> are the number of FD nodes in the x,y directions
178 with which to cover the FEM domain.  If only one integer is passed in
179 ([nx] as opposed to [nx ny]), then GENBFD generates equally spaced
180 nodes, which is preferable for subsampling vector fields (see below).
181 (Type <tt>>> help genbfd</tt> for more
182 information on the options to GENBFD.)  If <tt>outflag==1</tt>, the bfd array is
183 written to disk as gridname.bfd.  It is a "flat" file, and an be loaded
184 as <tt>load gridname.bfd</tt>.  For example, <tt>>> bfd=genbfd(g2s,[25 25],0)</tt>
185 generates a bfd array called <tt>bfd</tt> from the g2s FEM domain structure,
186 with 25 x 25 nodes, and does NOT output the bfd array to disk.  A figure
187 similar to the one on the right is plotted to show the level of discretization.
188 <td>
189 <img src="fig3.gif">
191 </table>
193 <hr>
194 <h2> FDCONTOUR </h2> Now that we have a bfd array, we can contour something.
195 Assume we have some scalar field (from an .s2r file, for example) called
196 <tt>sfe</tt>.  Our bfd array is called <tt>bfd</tt>.  FDCONTOUR requires
197 the user to think about the range of the data and the colorband
198 increment; the default is 8 colorbands between <tt>min(sfe)</tt> and
199 <tt>max(sfe)</tt> may not be very satisfactory.
200 These are specified as <tt>qmin, qmax, dq</tt>.  Call FDCONTOUR as:
201 <pre>
202    >> fdcontour(bfd,sfe,27,36,1,1)
203 </pre>
205 <table border=0 cellspacing=7 width=800>
206 <tr>
207 <td>
208 The above command tells FDCONTOUR to use the basis information in bfd to interpolate the
209 FE-based array <tt>sfe</tt> (this one happens to be salinity) over the range
210 27-36 at 1 psu increments, and to include a colorbar on the axes. The result:
211 <td>
212 <img src="fig4.gif" ALIGN=center>
214 <tr>
216 <td>
217 Now, recall that the basis information was computed for points that lie
218 OUTSIDE of the FEM domain, so there is information where it isn't supposed
219 to be.  Hence the need to mask out the exterior of the FEM grid.  This is
220 why we precomputed the land description information.  Call the function
221 LNDFILL to get the figure on the right:
222 <pre>
223    >> lndfill(g2s,[1 1 1]*.75)
224 </pre>
225 <td>
226 <img src="fig5.gif" ALIGN=center>
228 <tr>
230 <td>
231 Lastly, overlay the FEM boundary to outline the exterior and
232 island segments (<tt>>> plotbnd(g2s)</tt>):
233 <td>
234 <img src="fig6.gif" ALIGN=center>
236 </table>
238 FDCONTOUR optionally returns handles [c,h,hcb] to the patch and colorbar
239 axes objects,
240 as well as the contour matrix generated by CONTOURF.  This latter array
241 can be passed to CLABEL to label the contours.  Call as: <tt>clabel(c,h)</tt>.
242 This MUST be done before the land mask is applied.
243 <hr>
245 <table border=0 cellspacing=7 width=800>
246 <tr>
247 <td>
249 <h2>FDVECTOR</H2>
250  FDVECTOR is a front-end to VECPLOT2, which
251 handles the extraction and interpolation of the FEM (u,v)
252 data onto the FD points in bfd.  FDVECTOR behaves the same as VECPLOT2,
253 except that the (x,y) vector origins are contained in the bfd file, supplied
254 to FDVECTOR as the first argument.  Suppose we have a depth-averaged
255 velocity stored in <tt> ufe vfe </tt>.  Then FDVECTOR is called as:
256 <pre>
257    >> fdvector(bfd,ufe,vfe)
258 </pre>
259 <td>
260 <img src="fig7.gif" ALIGN=right>
261 </table>
263 <hr>
264 <H2>Final Example</h2>
265 Suppose that we are unhappy with the resolution above.  Here is the
266 sequence of MATLAB commands that generates a nicer figure.  GENBFD is
267 recalled with higher (equally spaced) resolution.
269 <table border=0 cellspacing=7 width=800>
270 <tr>
271 <td>
273 <font>
274 <pre>
275 >> bfd=genbfd(g2s,[100],0);
276 >> [c,h]=fdcontour(bfd,sfe,27,36,.5,1);
277 >> clabel(c,h)
278 >> h=lndfill(g2s,[.75 .75 .75]);
279 >> hb=plotbnd(g2s);
280 >> hvec=fdvector(bfd,ufe,vfe,.75,2,...
281                  'cm/s',-62,39);
282 >> xlabel('Longitude')
283 >> ylabel('Latitude')
284 </pre></font>
285 <td>
286 <img src="fig8.gif" ALIGN=left>
288 </table>
290 <HR WIDTH="100%">Maintained by: <FONT SIZE=+1>Brian Blanton</FONT>
291 <BR><A HREF="">
292 MAIL:
294 <BR>&nbsp;
295 <BR>&nbsp;
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