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Revision 48 (checked in by jcleary, 18 years ago)


  • Property svn:executable set to
1 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 #
4 # PURPOSE:      Python routine for direct import of OPeNDAP vector
5 #               datasets (mainly HF_RADAR) into CSV and then OGR2OGR into shapefile (vector) format.
6 #
7 # USAGE:        python 
8 #               
9 #               Note:  User should edit variables under the 'Default / user
10 #                      defined variables' section below to set desired processing
11 #                      parameters.  Variables include:
12 #                        workspace - filesystem directory location for processing
13 #                        subSample - data subsampling (skip) factor (0 = full dataset)
14 #                        xUnit - X dimension name (ie. 'lon' or longitude)
15 #                        yUnit - Y dimension name (ie. 'lat' or latitude)
16 #                        tUnit - Time dimension name (ie. 'time_series'), if present.
17 #                        tValue - Specify which timestep in the time array to download.
18 #                                 If time dimension is not present in the dataset, the
19 #                                 program will ignore this parameter.
20 #                                 (default = -9999; program will automatically calculate
21 #                                 and use the last timestep in the time array)
23 #
24 # Default / user defined variables
25 workspace = "/home/jcleary/data/codar/seacoos/"
26 subSample = 0
27 xUnit = "lon"
28 yUnit = "lat"
29 tUnit = "time"
30 tValue = -9999 # -9999 specifies to use last timestep in the time array (default action)
31 timeDimPresent = 0
32 arcNoData = -9999
33 asciiOut = workspace + "ascii_totals.csv"
34 url = ""
35 uUnit = "water_u"
36 vUnit = "water_v"
37 # add parsing of nodata value from DODS server to complete the -where clause
38 noData = "-9999.0"
39 outPrefix = "UNC"
41 #
42 # Import required modules
43 import sys, os, shutil, string, time
44 from time import time, mktime, gmtime, localtime, strftime
45 from math import atan2
46 from math import pi
47 from dap.client import *
48 from dap.proxy import *
49 from types import *
50 import dap
51 from dap.parsers import dds, das
54 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
55 #
56 # Functions
57 #
59 def cleanWorkspace():                 # Sync and close (and delete) data files
60     print
61     try:
62       asciiExport.close()
63     except:
64       print "ASCII data file not closed"
65     try:
66       os.remove(asciiOut)
67     except:
68       print "Unable to remove ASCII data file"
69     print "Workspace cleaned, all temporary files removed."
71 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
72 #
73 # Main Function
74 #
76 print
77 print "***"
78 print "*** Importing OPeNDAP HF Radar data streams to shapefile"
79 print "***"
80 print
81 print "Importing OPeNDAP data from URL: " + url
83 #
84 # Assign/validate X, Y, T, U & V vector variables, set X, Y, & T array sizes
85 data = open(url)
87 try:
88   xVar = data[xUnit]
89   xShape = xVar.shape[0]
90 except:
91   print "Error,",xUnit,"dimension does not exist in",url
92   sys.exit()
94 try:
95   yVar = data[yUnit]
96   yShape = yVar.shape[0]
97 except:
98   print "Error,",yUnit,"dimension does not exist in",url
99   sys.exit()
101 try:
102   tVar = data[tUnit]
103   tShape = tVar.shape[0]
104   timeDimPresent = 1
105 except:
106   print "Note,",tUnit,"dimension does not exist in",url
108 try:
109   uVar = data[uUnit]
110 except:
111   print "Error,",uUnit,"dimension does not exist in",url
112   sys.exit()
114 try:
115   vVar = data[vUnit]
116 except:
117   print "Error,",vUnit,"dimension does not exist in",url
118   sys.exit()
120 print
121 print "Subsample factor:",subSample
122 print "Time dim. present:",timeDimPresent
124 #
125 # Check the validity of the X, Y, & T dimensions in the U attrib. vector
126 print "U attibute type:",uUnit
127 a = 0
128 while 1:
129   try:
130     uVar.dimensions[a]
131   except:
132     break
133   print uUnit,"dimension",a,":",uVar.dimensions[a]
134   if uVar.dimensions[a] not in [xUnit, yUnit, tUnit]:
135     print "Error - " + uVar.dimensions[a] + " is an invalid dimension."
136     sys.exit()
137   a += 1
139 # Check the validity of the X, Y, & T dimensions in the V attrib. vector
140 print "V attibute type:",vUnit
141 b = 0
142 while 1:
143   try:
144     vVar.dimensions[b]
145   except:
146     break
147   print vUnit,"dimension",b,":",vVar.dimensions[b]
148   if vVar.dimensions[b] not in [xUnit, yUnit, tUnit]:
149     print "Error - " + vVar.dimensions[b] + " is an invalid dimension."
150     sys.exit()
151   b += 1
153 #
154 # Establish time step value and time array index location
155 if timeDimPresent:                  # Deal w/ time dimension if present
156   tArray = tVar[0:tShape]
157   if (tValue <= arcNoData):         # No time step specified by user
158     tStep = tShape - 1              # Select single element (last) in time step array
159     tValue = tArray[tShape - 1]
160   else:                             # Validate user timestep value & set array location
161     tStep = 0
162     for tElement in tArray:
163       if tElement == tValue:
164         break
165       tStep += 1
166     else:
167       print "Error: ", tValue, " is an invalid timestep value."
168       print "Valid timestep values: ", tArray
169       sys.exit()
170   print "X array shape = ", xShape
171   print "Y array shape = ", yShape
172   print "time array step = ", tStep
173   print "time step value = ", tValue
175 #
176 # Use time(GMT) in shapefile file name
177 time_handle = strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_00_00',(gmtime(tValue)))
178 formatTime = strftime('%m-%d-%Y %H:00 UTC',(gmtime(tValue)))
179 ShapeOut = workspace + "ouba.shp"
181 #
182 # Download X, Y, U, & V data arrays from OPeNDAP server
183 print
184 print "Downloading " + xUnit + ", " + yUnit + ", " + uUnit + ", " + vUnit + " data arrays..."
185 xArray = xVar[0:xShape:subSample]
186 yArray = yVar[0:yShape:subSample]
188 if timeDimPresent:                  # 3 dimensional vector (T,X,Y) for U and V arrays
189   uArray = uVar[tStep, 0:xShape:subSample, 0:yShape:subSample]
190   vArray = vVar[tStep, 0:xShape:subSample, 0:yShape:subSample]
192 else:                               # 2 dimensional vector (X,Y) for U and V arrays
193   uArray = uVar[0:xShape:subSample, 0:yShape:subSample]
194   vArray = vVar[0:xShape:subSample, 0:yShape:subSample]
196 print
197 print "Number of Long. values:",xShape
198 print "Number of Lat. values:",yShape
199 print "ASCII temp file:",asciiOut
200 print "Total number of dimensions in",uUnit,"=",a
201 print "Total number of dimensions in",vUnit,"=",b
203 #
204 # Setup temp. process file(s)
205 try:
206   asciiExport = file(asciiOut,'w')
207 except IOError:
208   print "Unable to create temp ASCII data file.  Check dir. rights..."
209   sys.exit()
211 #
212 # Load data into ASCII data file (comma delimited -> shapefile - points) 
213 x = 0
214 y = 0
215 t = 0
216                                     # Write column header
217 asciiExport.write("inst,time," + xUnit + "," + yUnit + ",U,V,speed_ms,speed_mph,speed_knots," + "dir,dir_ms\n")
218                                     # Write X, Y, Z data to temp. ASCII file
219 print
220 print "Writing institution, time, " + xUnit + ", " + yUnit + ", " + uUnit + ", " + vUnit + ", speed(3), and direction(2) data to " + asciiOut + "..."
221 while y < len(yArray):
222   while x < len(xArray):
223     if timeDimPresent:              # 3 dimensional vector (T,X,Y) for U and V array
224       asciiExport.write(outPrefix + "," + time_handle + ",")
225       if float(xArray[x]) > 180.:   # shift X values from 0 - 360 to -180 - 180
226         asciiExport.write(str(xArray[x] - 360.) + ",")
227       else:
228         asciiExport.write(str(xArray[x]) + ",")
229       asciiExport.write(str(yArray[y]) + ",")         
230       asciiExport.write(str(uArray[t,x,y]) + ",")
231       asciiExport.write(str(vArray[t,x,y]) + ",")
232       #
233       # code to derive Speed from U and V components
234       # (U^2 + V^2)^0.5
235       speed = (uArray[t,x,y]**2 + vArray[t,x,y]**2)**.5
236       speed_ms = speed/100
237       speed_mph = (speed/100) * 2.237
238       speed_knots = (speed/100) * 1.944
239       asciiExport.write(str(speed_ms) + "," + str(speed_mph) + "," + str(speed_knots) + ",")
240       #
241       # code to derive Direction from U and V components
242       # atan2(-U,-V) * (180/pi) - 180
243       direction = atan2(-uArray[t,x,y],-vArray[t,x,y]) * (180/pi) - 180
244       if direction < 0:
245         azimuth = direction + 360
246       elif direction > 360:
247         azimuth = direction - 360
248       ms_azimuth = -azimuth
249       asciiExport.write(str(azimuth) + "," + str(ms_azimuth))
250       asciiExport.write('\n')
252     else:                           # 2 dimensional vector (X,Y) for U and V array
253       asciiExport.write(outPrefix + "," + time_handle + ",")
254       if float(xArray[x]) > 180.:   # shift X values from 0 - 360 to -180 - 180
255         asciiExport.write(str(xArray[x] - 360.) + ",")
256       else:
257         asciiExport.write(str(float(xArray[x])) + ",")
258       asciiExport.write(str(yArray[y]) + ",")
259       asciiExport.write(str(uArray[x,y]) + ",")
260       asciiExport.write(str(vArray[x,y]))
261       asciiExport.write('\n')
262     x += 1
263   x = 0
264   y += 1
266 asciiExport.write(outPrefix + "," + formatTime + ",5,10,777,777,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN,NaN")  # bogus data record for TS labeling in MapServer
267 asciiExport.close()
269 #
270 # OGR2OGR Process: ASCII CSV to Shapefile
271 print "Using OGR to create shapefile..."
272 cmd = '/usr/local/bin/ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" -where \'U != "' + noData + '"\' ' + ShapeOut + ' /home/jcleary/data/source_files/totals_pydap.vrt'
273 print cmd
274 os.system(cmd)
276 #
277 # MV to NCCOOS folder
278 os.system("mv /home/jcleary/data/codar/seacoos/ouba.shp /home/jcleary/data/codar/nccoos/ouba.shp")   
279 os.system("mv /home/jcleary/data/codar/seacoos/ouba.dbf /home/jcleary/data/codar/nccoos/ouba.dbf")
280 os.system("mv /home/jcleary/data/codar/seacoos/ouba.shx /home/jcleary/data/codar/nccoos/ouba.shx")
281 os.system("mv /home/jcleary/data/codar/seacoos/ouba.prj /home/jcleary/data/codar/nccoos/ouba.prj")
282 print
283 print "Move UNC file to be used on NCCOOS.ORG"
286 cleanWorkspace()
288 print
289 print "***"
290 print "*** Data import and conversion complete."
291 print "***"
293 sys.exit()
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