NCCOOS Trac Projects: Top | Web | Platforms | Processing | Viz | Sprints | Sandbox | (Wind)

Sprint Goals

  1. Migrate old SVN projects to new SVN instance
  2. Develop framework to organize existing code
  3. How to use wiki to reference/shortcut/organize/manage SVN

Sprint Tasks meet above goals

  • Overview of wiki formatting
  • Overview/best practices of SVN
  • List available code
  • Decide on components and projects to organize above code
  • start placing code in SVN
  • Start wiki pages to point to code of interest

Available Projects

Top Level project tree

Projects give control over areas of work and responsible people. Each project has a number of components which are deployable source trees within a given project. The following outline is a brain dump of current code pieces that are maintained and stored by Sara, Jesse, and Chris to see how they fit into the framework of Projects. The "production" processes live and run on various computers.

Some possible projects are:

  • Platforms
    • Sara
      • data_acquisition (eVB)
      • daqLib (eVC)
      • data_transfer (eVB)
      • commLib (eVC)
  • Telemetry
  • Repository
  • Data Management change this project name to Data Processing
    • Jesse
      • GDP drifters (via AOML) to Xenia DB (seacoos)
      • CODAR to shapefile (seacoos)
      • QuikSCAT (seacoos)
    • Sara (buoy, tower) (met, ctd, adcp)
      • populate level0 (realtime and manual) (push and get)
      • raw2proc (level0 to level1)
      • proc2ndbc (push fm13 and fm64 to NDBC)
      • proc2latest (provide SEACOOS netCDF of latest data)
      • generate html tables (realtime)
    • Sara (codar) (surface currents)
      • (tar monthly CODAR raw spectra and rangefiles and and scp to mass-storage)
      • combine radial sites to total surface currents
      • radials proc2latest (provide SEACOOS netCDF of latest data)
      • totals proc2latest (provide SEACOOS netCDF of latest data)
  • Database
    • nccoos_obs DB

  • Visualization
    • Jesse
      • Chameleon application
      • NCCOOS interactive map application
      • Base mapfiles
      • OGC CGI wrappers
      • OGC mapfiles - parallel to SC feeds
      • Sandbox WMS applications
    • Sara
      • proc2tsplot (last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days timeseries plots)
      • lastest2map (latest obs and various model maps)

SVN and Trac Demonstration

A demostration of how to implement our framework of Projects and code components in SVN and Trac.

Keep in mind that a Trac Project corresponds to an SVN Repository and a Trac Component corresponds to an SVN folder in Repository

Create Subversion Repository and

Create Trac Project