


Copied or renamed
Date Rev Chgset Author Log Message
(edit) 03/22/12 16:21:41 @84 [84] cbc Add cfg test files to svn:ignore.
(edit) 03/22/12 16:19:39 @83 [83] cbc Add more list_gliders doctests.
(edit) 03/06/12 19:25:36 @77 [77] cbc More doctests.
(edit) 03/06/12 18:22:46 @76 [76] cbc Create list-options command.
(edit) 03/05/12 22:13:28 @75 [75] cbc Fix assert_degrees.
(edit) 03/05/12 21:45:53 @74 [74] cbc Fixup set-option after rename.
(edit) 03/05/12 21:44:41 @73 [73] cbc Rename add-option to set-option.
(edit) 03/05/12 21:41:52 @72 [72] cbc Create add-option command.
(edit) 03/01/12 21:54:51 @68 [68] cbc File locking and task prioritization implemented.
(edit) 03/01/12 19:46:44 @67 [67] cbc Check-in before implementing file locking.
(edit) 02/29/12 12:17:05 @66 [66] cbc Add config to svn:ignore list.
(edit) 02/29/12 12:08:33 @65 [65] cbc Set svn:ignore to ignore virtualenv.
(add) 02/29/12 11:40:53 @64 [64] cbc Initial import.