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DPWavesProc: A Doppler Profiler Waves Processing Toolbox for raw RDI ADCP and Nortek AWAC data (Beta)

This is a Beta release of a toolbox designed to process raw wave data from either an RDI ADCP or a Nortek AWAC. The toolbox currently uses a two step process to take the raw output data from either instrument and generate directional wave spectra, plots of these spectra, and various wave field information (significant wave height, peak period, etc.). The toolbox uses Python for the initial processing of the raw data and generates text files which can be input and processed into spectra within Matlab utilizing the code included in the toolbox. The spectra are generated using an edited version of DIWASP created by David Johnson, the original version of which can be found on the web. Please note that this is a very early beta release and thus should be used accordingly. A more complete description of the capabilities of the toolbox can be found in the attached Powerpoint file and Word file, however the individual pieces of the toolbox are described below.

Any questions can be direction to Greg Dusek, Dept. of Marine Sciences at UNC Chapel Hill at

For the full most updated version of the toolbox click here:DPWavesProc Newest Version Or, download individual pieces of the toolbox below.

RDI ADCP Processing [Raw Data Splitter]

This is the initial step in processing the ADCP raw interleaved waves and currents data and is run in Python. The purpose of this code is to take a raw data binary file from an ADCP and split the file into a binary file just including wave data and a binary file just including currents data. The wave file can then be processed in python via the code described below, or in wavesmon if desired. The currents file can be processed using RDI's software or other software currently available on the web. [Processes raw waves data to ASCII files]
