Copyright (c) 2002, DM Solutions Group Inc. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ class CWCJSAPI extends CWCWidget { var $mbDebug = false; function CWCJSAPI() { parent::CWCWidget(); $this->mnPriority = PRIORITY_MAXIMUM; $this->maAttributes["DEBUG"] = new BooleanAttribute( "DEBUG", false ); $this->szWidgetDescription = <<mnMaturityLevel = MATURITY_ALPHA; } function InitDefaults() { parent::InitDefaults(); if (isset($this->maParams["DEBUG"])) { $this->mbDebug = (strcasecmp($this->maParams["DEBUG"], "true") == 0) ? true : false; } } /** * GetJavascriptFunctions * */ function GetJavascriptFunctions() { $poMap = $this->moMapObject->oMap; if (!is_object( $poMap ) ) return array(); $dfMinX = $poMap->extent->minx; $dfMinY = $poMap->extent->miny; $dfMaxX = $poMap->extent->maxx; $dfMaxY = $poMap->extent->maxy; $nWidth = $poMap->width; $nHeight = $poMap->height; $dfScale = $poMap->scale; $dfCellSize = $poMap->cellsize; $dfResolution = $poMap->resolution; $nUnits = $poMap->units; if (is_object($poMap)) $szProj = $poMap->getProjection(); else $szProj = "init=EPSG:None"; $szProj = substr( $szProj, 5 ); $aReturn = array(); $szJsFunctionName = "CWCJSAPIGetObject"; $szFunction = "function CWCJSAPIGetObject()\n"; $szFunction .= <<' ); var span = document.all(containerName ); var html = ''; span.innerHTML = html; = 'none'; container = window.frames[ "frame_" + containerName ]; } else if (bNetscape6) { var span = document.createElement('SPAN'); = containerName; document.body.appendChild( span ); var iframe = document.createElement('IFRAME'); = "frame_"+containerName; span.appendChild( iframe ); container = iframe; } return container; } EOT; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; $session_id = session_id(); //arrays contains the infos on the layers. $szLayerInfo=""; for ($i=0; $i<$poMap->numlayers; $i++) { $poLayer = $poMap->getlayer($i); if ($poLayer->connectiontype == MS_WMS) $szLayerInfo .="aLayername[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_name") . "';\n"; else $szLayerInfo .="aLayername[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->name . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerindex[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->index . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerstatus[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->status . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayertype[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->type . "';\n"; if ($poLayer->connectiontype == MS_WMS && strlen($poLayer->getMetaData("wms_title")) > 0) $szLayerInfo .="aLayertitle[".$i."] = \"" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_title") . "\";\n"; else $szLayerInfo .="aLayertitle[".$i."] = \"" . $poLayer->name . "\";\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerconnection[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->connection . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayeronlineresource[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_onlineresource") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayersrs[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_srs") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerversion[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_server_version") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerformat[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_format") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerformatlist[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_formatlist") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerconnection[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->connection . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerconnectiontype[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->connectiontype . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayeronlineresource[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_onlineresource") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayersrs[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_srs") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerversion[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_server_version") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerformat[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_format") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerformatlist[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_formatlist") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerstyle[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_style") . "';\n"; $szLayerInfo .="aLayerstylelist[".$i."] = '" . $poLayer->getMetaData("wms_stylelist") . "';\n"; } $aLayerOder = $poMap->getlayersdrawingorder(); $szLayerDrawingOrder = implode(",", $aLayerOder); $szCurrentLanguage = strtoupper($_SESSION['gszCurrentLanguage']); $szJsFunctionName = "CWCJSAPIWInit"; $bDebug = ($this->mbDebug) ? 1 : 0; $szFunction = <<numlayers}); aLayerindex = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayerstatus = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayertitle = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayertype = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayerconnection = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayerconnectiontype = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayeronlineresource = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayersrs = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayerversion = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayerformat = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayerformatlist = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayerstyle = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); aLayerstylelist = new Array({$poMap->numlayers}); //create a CWC JS API class goCWCJSAPI = new CWCApplication(); goCWCJSAPI.szURL = "{$_SESSION["gszCoreWebPath"]}"; //init map elements goCWCJSAPI.oMap.minx = {$dfMinX}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.miny = {$dfMinY}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.maxx = {$dfMaxX}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.maxy = {$dfMaxY}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.width = {$nWidth}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.height = {$nHeight}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.scale = {$dfScale}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.cellsize = {$dfCellSize}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.resolution = {$dfResolution}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.units = {$nUnits}; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.projection = '{$szProj}'; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.layerdrawingorder='{$szLayerDrawingOrder}'; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Add properties in the application object. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ goCWCJSAPI.aProperties = new Array(11); //add all the layers in the map file. {$szLayerInfo}; for (i=0; i<{$poMap->numlayers}; i++) { goCWCJSAPI.oMap.AddLayer(aLayername[i]); goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].index = aLayerindex[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].status = aLayerstatus[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].type = aLayertype[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].title = aLayertitle[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].connection = aLayerconnection[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].connectiontype = aLayerconnectiontype[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].onlineresource = aLayeronlineresource[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].srs = aLayersrs[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].version = aLayerversion[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].format = aLayerformat[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].formatlist = aLayerformatlist[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].style = aLayerstyle[i]; goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[i].stylelist = aLayerstylelist[i]; } //alert(goCWCJSAPI.oMap.numlayers); //alert(goCWCJSAPI.oMap.aLayers[0].name); //create htnml layer that will be used to communicate with server /* ==================================================================== */ /* For Netscape 4, the container (which is a DHTML Layer will */ /* be created the first time that the GetDocuemntObject */ /* function is called. */ /* ==================================================================== */ if (navigator.appName != "Netscape" || navigator.appVersion[0] > 4) { oContainer = CWCJSAPICreateLayer("CWCJSAPILayer"); goCWCJSAPI.szContainerName = "CWCJSAPILayer"; goCWCJSAPI.oContainer = oContainer; goCWCJSAPI.ContainerSetVisibility({$bDebug}); } if ({$bDebug}) { goCWCJSAPI.bDebug = true; } //szURL = "" + window.location; //szURL = szURL.substr( 0, szURL.lastIndexOf("?") + 1 ); //szURL = szURL.substr( 0, szURL.lastIndexOf("/" ) + 1 ); //goCWCJSAPI.szURL = szURL; //set the session id goCWCJSAPI.sid = "{$session_id}"; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* for netscape 4 the setlanguage will be called in */ /* CWCGetDocumentObject the first time the function is called. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ if (navigator.appName != "Netscape" || navigator.appVersion[0] > 4) { goCWCJSAPI.oMLT.SetLanguage("{$szCurrentLanguage}"); } goCWCJSAPI.szLanguage = "{$szCurrentLanguage}"; } EOT; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; return $aReturn; } /** * GetJavascriptIncludeFunctions. * */ function GetJavascriptIncludeFunctions() { $poMap = $this->moMapObject->oMap; $aReturn = array(); $szJsIncludeName = $_SESSION["gszCoreWebPath"]."/widgets/js/cwcjsapi.js"; $szInclude = ""; $aReturn[$szJsIncludeName] = $szInclude; return $aReturn; } /** * GetJavascriptVariables * */ function GetJavascriptVariables() { $aReturn = array(); $szVariable = "goCWCJSAPI"; $szValue = " var $szVariable = '';\n"; $aReturn[$szVariable] = $szValue; return $aReturn; } /** * GetJavascriptInitFunctions * * Functions to be called at the end of the load. */ function GetJavascriptInitFunctions() { $aReturn = array(); $szJsFunctionName = "CWCJSAPIWInit"; $szFunction = "$szJsFunctionName();\n"; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; return $aReturn; } /** * GetHTMLHiddenVariables * * Return HTML hidden variables. * * @return HTML hidden variables. */ function GetHTMLHiddenVariables() { $aReturn = array(); //used with load context. Needed to add this in case the //UploadContext widget is not in the template. $szVariable = "CONTEXT"; $szValue = " \n"; $aReturn[$szVariable] = $szValue; return $aReturn; } } //end of class CWCJSAPIWidget if ((function_exists( "RegisterWidget" ))) RegisterWidget( "CWCJSAPI", "CWCJSAPI" ); ?>