fr-ca 1999-12-31 $id:$ Doc_Builder DM Solutions Group Inc. Christopher R. Thorne DM Solutions Group Inc. ZoomOut TBD Navigation Widget 1.99 1999-12-31 BETA Paul Spencer DM Solutions Group Inc. Allows the user to zoom out of the map from a given point using the current zoom factor. A map widget must be present in the interface for the ZoomOut widget to function. This does not mean the button will not show up, only that the button would be inactive. The ZoomOut widget tag has attributes from the Button Attributes group. This means ZoomOut widget has access to the "TextButtons" Shared Resources. To learn about this Shared Resource, please refer to the Button attribute group section for details. Ce bouton permet de revenir à une vue plus globale. Pour l'utiliser, cliquez d'abord l'icône puis l'image. L'image sera recentrée par rapport au point cliqué et sera réduite selon le facteur zoom déterminé par l'utilisateur. <CWC2 TYPE="ZoomOut" ENABLED="[TRUE|FALSE]" FORMINDEX="[0 < integer]" VISIBLE="[TRUE|FALSE]" <!-- Navigation Attributes --> CURSORTYPE="[string]" DEFAULT="[TRUE|FALSE]" MAPID="[string]" WIDGETSTYLE="[string]" <!-- Button Attribute Group--> BACKGROUNDIMAGE="[path]" DEFAULT="[TRUE|FALSE]" IMAGE="[path]" IMAGEHEIGHT="[integer]" IMAGETIP="[string]" IMAGEWIDTH="[integer]" LABELALIGN="[LEFT|CENTER|RIGHT]" LABELANTIALIAS="[TRUE|FALSE]" LABELCOLOR="[#RRGGBB]" LABELFONT="[string]" LABELFONTSIZE="[0 < integer]" ONCLICK="[string]" STYLERESOURCE="[string]" TEXTBUTTONBORDER="[path]" TEXTBUTTONBORDER_BOTTOM_IMAGE="[path]" TEXTBUTTONBORDER_BOTTOMLEFT_IMAGE="[path]" TEXTBUTTONBORDER_BOTTOMRIGHT_IMAGE="[path]" TEXTBUTTONBORDER_LEFT_IMAGE="[path]" TEXTBUTTONBORDER_RIGHT_IMAGE="[path]" TEXTBUTTONBORDER_TOP_IMAGE="[path]" TEXTBUTTONBORDER_TOPLEFT_IMAGE="[path]" TEXTBUTTONBORDER_TOPRIGHT_IMAGE="[path]" TEXTBUTTONCOLOR="[#RRGGBB]" TEXTBUTTONNUDGE="[integer]" TEXTBUTTONPADDING="[0 < integer]" TOOLSET="[string]" USETEXTBUTTONCACHE="[TRUE|FALSE]"> <!-- Button Subtag Group --> <IMAGE STATE="[NORMAL|SELECTED|HOVER|DISABLED]" IMAGE="[path]"/> <CWC2 /> An image will define the ZoomOut button. <cwc2 type="ZoomOut" visible="true" image="buttons/button_zoomout_1.png"/> This example shows how the ZoomOut widget will use a "TextButtons" Shared Resource called "NavigationButtons". <cwc2 type="ZoomOut" visible="true" imagetip="Zoom Out" image="icons/pan_zoomout.png" styleresource="NavigationButtons"> <image state="normal" /> <image state="hover" /> <image state="selected" /> </cwc2> This ZoomOut example shows how the widget could be defined without using a Shared Resource. Note that this tool is linked to a group of button-based navigation widgets using the TOOLSET attribute. This means that if ZoomOut is selected, it will remain active until you select another tool within that tool group. <cwc2 type="ZoomOut" visible="true" imagetip="Zoom Out" toolset="Navigation" imagewidth="24" imageheight="24"> <image state="normal" image="buttons/button_zoomout_1.png"/> <image state="hover" image="buttons/button_zoomout_2.png"/> <image state="selected" image="buttons/button_zoomout_3.png"/> </cwc2> Hawaii Demo The Hawaii Demo uses the latest 1.99 Chameleon version. Base Button NavTool NAV_CMD unknown NAV_ALLOW_RECTANGLE unknown NavSetActiveTool Private oButton unknown true aVals unknown true