Copyright (c) 2002, DM Solutions Group Inc. * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ include_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/../NavTool.php"); /** * PanMapWidget * * @desc PanMap widget. */ class PanMap extends NavTool { var $mszImagePath = "images/tool_pan.gif"; var $mszImageSelectedPath = "images/tool_pan.gif"; var $mszImageTip = "Pan"; /** * PanMap * * Constructor. Set the default values. */ function PanMap() { // invoke constructor of parent parent::NavTool(); $this->SetNavCommand("PAN_MAP"); // set the description for this widget $this->szWidgetDescription = <<mnMaturityLevel = MATURITY_TECHNICALRELEASE; $this->mbNavSubmit = false; } /** * ParseURL * * Look for the PAN_MAP command and if found do the panning * according to the other NAV paramaters. */ function ParseURL() { parent::ParseURL(); $szCmd = ""; if ($this->isVarSet( "NAV_CMD" )) $szCmd = $this->getVar( "NAV_CMD" ); if ($szCmd == "PAN_MAP" && $this->getVar( "NAV_INPUT_COORDINATES" )!="") { $poMap = $this->moMapObject->oMap; $szInputCoords = $this->getVar( "NAV_INPUT_COORDINATES" ); $aPixPos = explode(";", $szInputCoords); $aPixFirst = explode(",", $aPixPos[0]); $aPixLast = explode(",", $aPixPos[1]); $nShiftPixX = $aPixLast[0] - $aPixFirst[0]; $nShiftPixY = $aPixFirst[1] - $aPixLast[1]; $dfShiftWidth = $nShiftPixX/$poMap->width; $dfShiftHeight = $nShiftPixY/$poMap->height; //echo "firstpoint x =" . $aPixFirst[0] . " and last point x = ". $aPixLast[0]; //echo "firstpoint y =" . $aPixFirst[1] . " and last point y = ". $aPixLast[1]; //echo " delata pixx=$nShiftPixX and shift pixel x $dfShiftWidth
\n"; $dfDeltaGeoWidth = $poMap->extent->maxx - $poMap->extent->minx; $dfDeltaGeoHeight = $poMap->extent->maxy - $poMap->extent->miny; $dfShiftGeoX = $dfShiftWidth * $dfDeltaGeoWidth; $dfShiftGeoY = $dfShiftHeight * $dfDeltaGeoHeight; $dfShiftGeoX = abs($dfShiftGeoX); $dfShiftGeoY = abs($dfShiftGeoY); //echo "shift geo x $dfShiftGeoX
\n"; $bInvalid = 0; if ($aPixFirst[0] < $aPixLast[0]) { //echo "first x < last x
"; $dfGeoMinX = $poMap->extent->minx - $dfShiftGeoX; $dfGeoMaxX = $poMap->extent->maxx - $dfShiftGeoX; } else if ($aPixFirst[0] > $aPixLast[0]) { //echo "first x > last x
"; $dfGeoMinX = $poMap->extent->minx + $dfShiftGeoX; $dfGeoMaxX = $poMap->extent->maxx + $dfShiftGeoX; } else $bInvalid = 1; if ($aPixFirst[1] > $aPixLast[1]) { //echo "first y > last y
"; $dfGeoMinY = $poMap->extent->miny - $dfShiftGeoY; $dfGeoMaxY = $poMap->extent->maxy - $dfShiftGeoY; } else if ($aPixFirst[1] < $aPixLast[1]) { //echo "first y < last y
"; $dfGeoMinY = $poMap->extent->miny + $dfShiftGeoY; $dfGeoMaxY = $poMap->extent->maxy + $dfShiftGeoY; } else $bInvalid = 1; if (!$bInvalid) { $poMap->setextent($dfGeoMinX, $dfGeoMinY, $dfGeoMaxX, $dfGeoMaxY); /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Call the reporjectauto function in case the map projection */ /* is set to AUTO:XXX. If it is not, the function will do */ /* nothing. */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ $this->ReprojectAuto(); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* If first and last points are the same, do nothing. The user */ /* should alreay have been notfied (alert using js) when this */ /* problem occured. So do not send an error message (Bug 2036). */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ //else //$_SESSION['gErrorManager']->setError(ERR_WARNING, "When using the PanMap Widget, you should click, hold the mouse down and drag."); } return true; } /** * GetJavascriptIncludeFunctions * */ function GetJavascriptIncludeFunctions() { $aReturn = array(); $szJsIncludeName = $_SESSION["gszCoreWebPath"]."/widgets/js/dynlayer.js"; $szInclude = ""; $aReturn[$szJsIncludeName] = $szInclude; $szJsIncludeName = $_SESSION["gszCoreWebPath"]."/widgets/js/drag.js"; $szInclude = ""; $aReturn[$szJsIncludeName] = $szInclude; return $aReturn; } /** * GetJavascriptOnMouseMoveFunctions * * Returns functions to be called on mouse mouve event. */ function GetJavascriptOnMouseMoveFunctions() { $aReturn = array(); $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWMouseMove"; $szFunction = "$szJsFunctionName(e);\n"; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; return $aReturn; } /** * GetJavascriptOnMouseUpFunctions * */ function GetJavascriptOnMouseUpFunctions2() { $aReturn = array(); $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWMouseUp"; $szFunction = "$szJsFunctionName(e);\n"; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; return $aReturn; } /** * GetJavascriptOnMouseDownFunctions * */ function GetJavascriptOnMouseDownFunctions2() { $aReturn = array(); $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWMouseDown"; $szFunction = "$szJsFunctionName(e);\n"; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; return $aReturn; } /** * GetJavascriptFunctions * * Return the JS function associated with the pan. */ function GetJavascriptFunctions() { $aReturn = array(); $aReturn = parent::GetJavascriptFunctions(); $poMap = $this->moMapObject->oMap; if (isset($this->maSharedResourceWidgets["CWCJSAPI"])) $bCWCJSAPI = 1; else $bCWCJSAPI = 0; $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWInit"; $szFunction = <<width}, {$poMap->height},0); // for other browsers it's not necessary because the layer in this example // is clipped to defaults so I don't have to pass clip values else maplayer.clipInit(); //initMouseEvents(); } EOT; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWMouseMove"; $szFunction = <<mszHTMLForm} == null || {$this->mszHTMLForm}.NAV_CMD == null || {$this->mszHTMLForm}.NAV_CMD.value != "PAN_MAP") return true; if (!MapWinsideMap() ) { if (document.onmousedown == PanMapWMouseDown) document.onmousedown = null; if (document.onmouseup == PanMapWMouseUp) document.onmouseup = null; return true; } document.onmousedown = PanMapWMouseDown; document.onmouseup = PanMapWMouseUp; var x = (is.ns)? e.pageX : event.x+document.body.scrollLeft; var y = (is.ns)? e.pageY : event.y+document.body.scrollTop; if (is.ns &&!=document) routeEvent(e); drag.mouseMove(x,y); return true;; } EOT; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWMouseUp"; $szFunction = <<mszHTMLForm}.NAV_CMD.value != "PAN_MAP") return true; var x = (is.ns)? e.pageX : event.x+document.body.scrollLeft; var y = (is.ns)? e.pageY : event.y+document.body.scrollTop; if (is.ns &&!=document) routeEvent(e); drag.mouseUp(x,y); return true; } EOT; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWMouseDown"; $szFunction = <<mszHTMLForm}.NAV_CMD.value != "PAN_MAP") return true; if ((is.ns && e.which!=1) || ( && event.button!=1)) return true; var x = (is.ns)? e.pageX : event.x+document.body.scrollLeft; var y = (is.ns)? e.pageY : event.y+document.body.scrollTop; if (is.ns &&!=document) routeEvent(e); drag.mouseDown(x,y); return false; } EOT; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; $szErrorMsg = $this->moMLT->get("0", "When using the PanMap Widget, you should click on the map, hold the mouse down and then drag."); $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWDragEnd"; $szFunction = << (gMapWhspc + gMapWiWidth)) nLastPoinX = gMapWiWidth; else if (x < gMapWhspc) nLastPointX = 0; else nLastPointX = gMapWmouseX; if (y > (gMapWvspc + gMapWiHeight)) nLastPointY = gMapWiHeight; else if (y < gMapWvspc) nLastPointY = 0; else nLastPointY = gMapWmouseY; nFirstPointX = gnPanWFirstPointX; nFirstPointY = gnPanWFirstPointY; var szCoord = ""+ gnPanWFirstPointX + "," + gnPanWFirstPointY + ";" + nLastPointX + "," + nLastPointY; //alert(szCoord); {$this->mszHTMLForm}.NAV_INPUT_COORDINATES.value = szCoord; {$this->mszHTMLForm}.NAV_INPUT_TYPE.value = "RECTANGLE"; if ({$bCWCJSAPI}) { goCWCJSAPI.NAV_INPUT_COORDINATES = szCoord; goCWCJSAPI.NAV_INPUT_TYPE = "RECTANGLE"; } if (gnPanWFirstPointX == nLastPointX && gnPanWFirstPointY == nLastPointY) { //alert("{$szErrorMsg}"); } else { if ({$bCWCJSAPI}) goCWCJSAPI.UpdateNavTools(); else {$this->mszHTMLForm}.submit(); } } EOT; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWDragStart"; $szFunction = <<width}, {$poMap->height},0); // for other browsers it's not necessary because the layer in this example // is clipped to defaults so I don't have to pass clip values else maplayer.clipInit(); maplayer.moveTo(gMapWhspc, gMapWvspc); maplayer.clipTo(0,gMapWiWidth,gMapWiHeight,0); var layerminX = maplayer.x; var layerminY = maplayer.y; var layermaxX = layerminX + gMapWiWidth; var layermaxY = layerminY + gMapWiHeight; var clipval = 0; if (0) { var ttt = "minx="+layerminX+" ,minY="+layerminY+", maxx="+layermaxX+", maxy="+layermaxY; alert(ttt); ttt = "gMapWhspc="+gMapWhspc+" ,gMapWvspc="+gMapWvspc; alert(ttt); } //gttt++; if (layerminX <= gMapWhspc) { //alert("clip minx"); clipval = gMapWhspc - layerminX; maplayer.clipBy(0,0,0,clipval); } if (layerminY <= gMapWvspc) { //alert("clip miny"); clipval = gMapWvspc - layerminY; maplayer.clipBy(clipval, 0,0,0); } if (layermaxX >= (gMapWhspc + gMapWiWidth) ) { //alert("clip maxx"); var clipval = (gMapWhspc + gMapWiWidth) - layermaxX; maplayer.clipBy(0,clipval, 0, 0); } if (layermaxY > (gMapWvspc + gMapWiHeight) ) { //alert("clip maxy"); var clipval = (gMapWvspc + gMapWiHeight) - layermaxY; maplayer.clipBy(0,0,clipval, 0); } //drag.obj.moveTo(gMapWhspc, gMapWvspc); //MapWshowLayer("MapLayerDiv"); } EOT; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; }//end of js api return $aReturn; } /** * GetJavascriptVariables. * */ function GetJavascriptVariables() { $aReturn = array(); $aReturn = parent::GetJavascriptVariables(); $szVariable = "gnPanWFirstPointX"; $szValue = " var $szVariable = -1;\n"; $aReturn[$szVariable] = $szValue; $szVariable = "gnPanWFirstPointY"; $szValue = " var $szVariable = -1;\n"; $aReturn[$szVariable] = $szValue; return $aReturn; } /** * GetJavascriptOnLoadFunctions * * Should be redefined for Widgets returning Javascript code. * * @returns Empty string. */ function GetJavascriptOnLoadFunctions() { $aReturn = array(); $aReturn = parent::GetJavascriptOnLoadFunctions(); $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWInit"; $szFunction = "$szJsFunctionName();\n"; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; if (isset($this->maSharedResourceWidgets["CWCJSAPI"])) { $szJsFunctionName = "PanMapWRegisterForEvent"; $szFunction = "$szJsFunctionName();\n"; $aReturn[$szJsFunctionName] = $szFunction; } return $aReturn; } } ?>