fr-ca 1999-12-31 $id:$ Doc_Builder DM Solutions Group Inc. Christopher R. Thorne DM Solutions Group Inc. MapDHTML TBD Map Widgets 1.99 1999-12-31 BETA Paul Spencer DM Solutions Group Inc. The MapDHTML widget displays the actual visualization of the current map image and provides many of the mechanisms for other tools and widgets, primarily the navigation tools, to do their job. Cet outil affiche une carte contenant les couches demandées. <CWC2 TYPE="MapDHTMLWidget" ENABLED="[TRUE|FALSE]" FORMINDEX="[0 < integer]" VISIBLE="[TRUE|FALSE]" <!-- MapDHTMLWidget Attributes --> HEIGHT="[0 < integer]" WIDTH="[0 < integer]" ALLOWRESIZE="[TRUE|FALSE]" MARQUEECOLOR="[#RRGGBB]" MARQUEEHORIZONTALIMAGE="[path]" MARQUEEWIDTH="[0 < integer]" MARQUEEVERTICALIMAGE="[path]" MINSCALE="[-INF < integer < INF]" MAXSCALE="[-INF < integer < INF]" WAITIMAGE="[path]" WAITIMAGEHEIGHT="[0 < integer]" WAITIMAGEWIDTH="[0 < integer]"/> This tag example is the most basic definition of the "MapDHTMLWidget". <cwc2 type="MapDHTMLWidget" width="400" height="300"/> This tag example shows the "MapDHTMLWidget" using the WAITIMAGE attributes. This means that the widget will not be using the "WaitImage" Shared Resource. <cwc2 type="MapDHTMLWidget" visible="true" width="400" height="300" allowresize="true" marqueecolor="FF3333" marqueewidth="2" minscale="1" waitimage="http://www.somewhere.xx/images/spinner.gif" waitimagewidth="216" waitimageheight="50"/> This tag example shows a more advanced widget that could use the "WaitImage" Shared Resource, since the WAITIMAGE attributes have not been defined in the widget. <cwc2 type="MapDHTMLWidget" visible="true" width="400" height="300" allowresize="true" marqueecolor="FF3333" marqueewidth="2" minscale="1"/> The example below represents the default named "WaitImage" Shared Resource. This Shared Resource holds a list of multilingual images that are displayed when an application is in the middle of an extended process. In this example, this Shared Resource contains English and French wait image attribute sets. <!-- Default style for Wait Images --> <cwc2 type="SharedResource" name="WaitImage"> <waitimage language="en-CA" waitimage="images/spinner.gif" waitimagewidth="216" waitimageheight="50"/> <waitimage language="fr-CA" waitimage="images/spinner_f.gif" waitimagewidth="216" waitimageheight="50"/> </cwc2> Hawaii Demo The Hawaii Demo uses the latest 1.99 Chameleon version. Base ALLOWRESIZE boolean Widget Only false true false Control the resizability of the map widget. This allows the application to respect or ignore the Window tag in a context document. HEIGHT integer Required 0 2147483647 The initial height (in pixels) of the map widget image. MARQUEECOLOR HEX color Widget Only #FF0000 RED The color to draw the marquee in. MARQUEEHORIZONTALIMAGE path Widget Only /chameleon/htdocs/skins/default/images/a_pixel.gif The image to use for drawing the right and left sides of the marquee. The image is used as a background for the marquee and, as such, only the outermost left and right edges of the image are visable. Used creatively, in combination with the MARQUEEVERTICALIMAGE attribute, this image can create special line effects, such as dashed lines. MARQUEEVERTICALIMAGE path Widget Only /chameleon/htdocs/skins/default/images/a_pixel.gif The image to use for drawing the top and bottom sides of the marquee. The image is used as a background for the marquee and, as such, only the outermost top and bottom edges of the image are visable. Used creatively, in combination with the MARQUEEHORIZONTALIMAGE attribute, this image can create special line effects, such as dashed lines. MARQUEEWIDTH integer Widget Only 1 0 2147483647 When drawing the marquee, this is the width/height (in pixels) to make the edges of the zoom box. MAXSCALE float Widget Only 1 NULL -1.#INF 1.#INF The maximum scale to draw the current context at. Zooming out beyond this scale will be prevented. MINSCALE float Widget Only -1 NULL -1.#INF 1.#INF The minimum scale to draw the current context at. Zooming in beyond this scale will be prevented. WAITIMAGE path Widget Only NULL The image showing ongoing progress WAITIMAGEHEIGHT integer Widget Only 0 NULL 0 2147483647 The height (in pixels) of the wait image. WAITIMAGEWIDTH integer Widget Only 0 NULL 0 2147483647 The width (in pixels) of the wait image. WIDTH integer Required 0 2147483647 The initial width (in pixels) of the map widget image. NAV_INPUT_TYPE unknown NAV_INPUT_COORDINATES unknown NAV_INPUT_SUBMIT unknown MAP_EXTENTS_MINX unknown MAP_EXTENTS_MINY unknown MAP_EXTENTS_MAXX unknown MAP_EXTENTS_MAXY unknown MAP_WIDTH unknown MAP_HEIGHT unknown MAP_CURSOR_POS_X unknown MAP_CURSOR_POS_Y unknown NAV_CMD unknown MAP_ORIGINAL_EXTENTS unknown MAP_ORIGINAL_PROJ unknown CURSOR_TYPE unknown gCWCJSAPI float Private 0 gAPixel string Private http://localhost/chameleon/htdocs//skins/default/images/a_pixel.gif gMapWiWidth float Private gMapWiHeight float Private gMapDHTMLWaitImage string Private http://localhost/chameleon/htdocs//skins/default/images/a_pixel.gif gMapDHTMLWaitImageWidth float Private 1 gMapDHTMLWaitImageHeight float Private 1 gMapDHTMLVerticalMarquee string Private http://localhost/chameleon/htdocs//skins/default/images/a_pixel.gif gMapDHTMLHorizontalMarquee string Private http://localhost/chameleon/htdocs//skins/default/images/a_pixel.gif gMapDHTMLMarqueeWidth float Private 1 gMapDHTMLMarqueeColor string Private RED gMapDHTMLURL string Private /chameleon/htdocs//common//wrapper/drawmap.php?map_session_mo gMapDHTMLAllowResize float Private 1