fr-ca 1999-12-31 $id:$ Doc_Builder DM Solutions Group Inc. Christopher R. Thorne DM Solutions Group Inc. CompassPoint TBD TBD 1.99 1999-12-31 BETA Paul Spencer DM Solutions Group Inc. The CompassPoint widget is a clickable image that the user can click to pan in a given direcion. Les flèches de déplacement permet de recadre la carter. Pour les utiliser, cliquez sur l'une des flèes de déplacement situées autour de la carte et une nouvelle carte se réaffichera conformément au déplacement demandé. <CWC2 TYPE="ChameleonWidget" ENABLED="[TRUE|FALSE]" FORMINDEX="[0 < integer]" VISIBLE="[TRUE|FALSE]" Hawaii Demo The Hawaii Demo uses the latest 1.99 Chameleon version. Base Button NavTool DIRECTION string Required northeast north northwest west southwest south southeast east The direction that the compass point will pan the map when clicked. PANPERCENT integer Widget Only 50 0 100 The amount to pan the map in the given direction as a percentage of the map width or height. NAV_CMD unknown NAV_ALLOW_RECTANGLE unknown NavSetActiveTool Private oButton unknown true aVals unknown true