= Trac and SVN Sprint = March 22, 2007 in Chapel Hill, NC In this one-day sprint we discussed our software projects, how to manage them, and learned to use Trac. Trac allows hyperlinking information between a computer bug database, revision control and wiki content. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trac === Participants === * Sara Haines * Jesse Cleary * Chris Calloway * Harvey Seim [wiki:WikiStart/aTracSprintNotes Full Notes] == Sprint Goals == * Migrate old SVN projects to new SVN instance * Develop framework to organize existing code * How to use wiki to reference/shortcut/organize/manage SVN == Sprint Tasks == ...to meet above goals (but not all accomplished) * Overview of wiki formatting * Overview/best practices of SVN * [wiki:WikiStart/aTracSprintCodeList available code] * [wiki:WikiStart/aTracSprintSVNDemo Demo on creating a subversion repository] * [wiki:WikiStart/aTracSprintTracDemo Demo on setting up Trac components and projects] * [wiki:WikiStart/aTracSprintSVNCommit Start placing code in SVN] * Start wiki pages to point to code of interest '''Create page here to talk about how to tie tickets and svn versions numbers together''' == SVN and Trac Demonstration == A demostration of how to implement our framework of Projects and code components in SVN and Trac. We will be creating the Platforms repository and project and component daqLib under the Platforms. Keep in mind that a Trac Project corresponds to an SVN Repository and a Trac Component corresponds to an SVN folder in Repository