NCCOOS Trac Projects: Top | Web | Platforms | Processing | Viz | Sprints | Sandbox | (Wind)

{5} Assigned, Active Tickets by Owner (Full Description) (12 matches)

List tickets assigned, group by ticket owner. This report demonstrates the use of full-row display.


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#3 Add test framework sodar sodar-1.0 enhancement 06/11/07

Add a unittest based framework.

#10 Correct for missing samples sodar sodar-1.0 task 08/20/07

Fill in Data copy with NaNs for missing samples.

#15 Correct for missing altitudes sodar sodar-1.0 task 08/20/07

Fix up data copies for missing altitudes so that arrays are orthogonal.

#16 Mark the maximum altitude with good data for each sample sodar sodar-1.0 task 08/20/07

...and find the minimum of those maximums across all samples.

#17 Mark the minimum altitude with good data for each sample sodar sodar-1.0 task 08/20/07

...and find maximum of those minimums across all samples.

#19 Construct colorspec for c matrix sodar sodar-1.0 task 08/20/07

Convert speed to matplotlib colorspec.


Ticket Summary Component Milestone Type Created
#30 error parseing dates raw2proc raw2proc-1.0 defect 12/09/10

We started having a problem with filt_datetime() and the regexp that YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD for dates of Nov and Dec 2010. The date string '2010-12' was parsed as (2020, 10, 12) not (2010, 12, 01).

We should try using the parser provided by the python module dateutil-1.2


>>from dateutil.parser import parse

>>parse('2010_12', fuzzy=True)

datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 1, 0, 0)

#24 verify salinity values from AVPs YSI 6600 V2 raw2proc defect 09/24/08

Data from the YSI 6600 V2 unit on the automated vertical profilers (AVPs) report lower salinity values than calculated salinity from cond, depth and temp using UNESCO seawater function.

We need to verify which is correct value.

Profile Time: 23:30:00 Profile Date: 09/22/2008 Profile Depth: 362.0 cm Profile Location: Morgan Bay Serial No: 00016B55, ID: Ford_SERDP 09/22/08 23:30:07 22.81 33.57 21.06 0.155 7.91 1.9 10.5 7.84

month, day, year, hour, min, sec, temp (deg. C), conductivity (mS/cm), salinity (ppt), depth (meters), pH, turbidity (NTU), chlorophyll (micrograms per liter), DO (micrograms per liter)

mS/cm == mmho/cm

matlab salin= sw_salt(cond/sw_c3515, wtemp, press) >> salin= sw_salt(33.57/sw_c3515, 22.81,0.155)

salin =


Compared to 21.06 reported from ysi.

See raw2proc page for info on this component.

#28 Apply additional algorithm to help with ADCP surface masking raw2proc defect 10/17/08

Using either error or echo determine best algorithm using other resources from the ADCP to insert NAN values in z-locations that contain or are above the surface. This is a follow-on to other tickets (Ticket 26 and Ticket 27).

#31 change dim names to match var name in netCDF (ntime to time) raw2proc raw2proc-1.0 defect 06/26/12

In each proc_*.py creator module, change dimension names to match corresponding variable name. It might not make reading the file by humans easy, but it will allow pydap to work correctly to grab data dependency.

For example, pydap cannot load d2.wtemp[:] because ntime dimension does not match time var. pydap is looking for the dependency based on dimension values.

>>> d2= pydap.open_url('')             
>>> d2.wtemp
{'wtemp': <pydap.model.BaseType object at 0xb792fb8c>, 'ntime': <pydap.model.BaseType object at 0xb792fc2c>}
>>> d2.wtemp[:]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/opt/env/haines/dataproc/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pydap/", line 662, in __getitem__ =[slice_]
  File "/opt/env/haines/dataproc/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pydap/", line 115, in __getitem__
    resp, data = request(url)
  File "/opt/env/haines/dataproc/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pydap/util/", line 50, in request
    raise ServerError(msg)
pydap.exceptions.ServerError: 'Server error 42: "\'ntime\'"'

However, we can still read the data via pydap, but have to know to get time separately, e.g.

>>> d2.wtemp.array[:]
array([ 23.10750008,  23.14500046,  23.38870049, ...,  22.0807991 ,
        22.06220055,  22.07489967], dtype=float32)
>>> d2.time.array[:]
array([1320121566, 1320132726, 1320137406, ..., 1322696548, 1322696908,

So change the following in creator():

# dimension names use tuple so order of initialization is maintained                                                     
    dim_inits = (
        ('ntime', NC.UNLIMITED),
        ('nlat', 1),
        ('nlon', 1),
        ('nz', 1),


# dimension names use tuple so order of initialization is maintained                                                     
    dim_inits = (
        ('time', NC.UNLIMITED),
        ('lat', 1),
        ('lon', 1),
        ('z', 1),

and any ntime to time (or nlat to lat or nlon to lon or nz to z, etc)

# (varName, varType, (dimName1, [dimName2],                                                                        
    var_inits = (
        # coordinate variables                                                                                               
        ('time', NC.INT, ('time',)),
        ('lat', NC.FLOAT, ('lat',)),
        ('lon', NC.FLOAT, ('lon',)),
        ('z',  NC.FLOAT, ('z',)),
        # data variables                                                                                                     
        ('wtemp', NC.FLOAT, ('time',)),
        ('cond', NC.FLOAT, ('time',)),
        ('press', NC.FLOAT, ('time',)),
        # derived variables                                                                                                  
        ('depth', NC.FLOAT, ('time',)),
        ('salin', NC.FLOAT, ('time',)),
        ('density', NC.FLOAT, ('time',)),

#25 apply magnetic variation to wind data from AVPs raw2proc task 09/24/08

Verify that u,v component and wind direction are NOT adjusted for magnetic variation at the AVP sites (Hampton, Morgan, and Stones). Then apply the correction from mvar value in provided in each config-file for the platform location.

This info is from Tony Whipple.


Date, time, speed (m/s), direction (magnetic), compass direction (magnetic), North (m/s), East (m/s), n-samples

See raw2proc page for info on this component.

#29 clean up procutil module raw2proc task 12/07/10

There is no need for functions like meters2feet(), etc now that udunits is implemented. Clean-up code and make appropriate changes to calls to old conversions throughout plotting and processing.

Note: See TracReports for help on using and creating reports.