__color__,ticket,summary,component,version,milestone,type,owner,created,_changetime,_description,_reporter 2,30,error parseing dates,raw2proc,,raw2proc-1.0,defect,haines *,1291930181,1291931620,We started having a problem with filt_datetime() and the regexp that YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD for dates of Nov and Dec 2010. The date string '2010-12' was parsed as (2020_ 10_ 12) not (2010_ 12_ 01). We should try using the parser provided by the python module dateutil-1.2 Try {{{>>from dateutil.parser import parse}}} {{{>>parse('2010_12'_ fuzzy=True)}}} {{{datetime.datetime(2010_ 12_ 1_ 0_ 0) }}},haines 3,24,verify salinity values from AVPs YSI 6600 V2,raw2proc,,,defect,haines *,1222287439,1222289987,Data from the YSI 6600 V2 unit on the automated vertical profilers (AVPs) report lower salinity values than calculated salinity from cond_ depth and temp using UNESCO seawater function. We need to verify which is correct value. Profile Time: 23:30:00 Profile Date: 09/22/2008 Profile Depth: 362.0 cm Profile Location: Morgan Bay Serial No: 00016B55_ ID: Ford_SERDP 09/22/08 23:30:07 22.81 33.57 21.06 0.155 7.91 1.9 10.5 7.84 month_ day_ year_ hour_ min_ sec_ temp (deg. C)_ conductivity (mS/cm)_ salinity (ppt)_ depth (meters)_ pH_ turbidity (NTU)_ chlorophyll (micrograms per liter)_ DO (micrograms per liter) mS/cm == mmho/cm matlab salin= sw_salt(cond/sw_c3515_ wtemp_ press) >> salin= sw_salt(33.57/sw_c3515_ 22.81_0.155) salin = 22.0735 Compared to 21.06 reported from ysi. See [/dataproc/wiki/raw2proc/docs raw2proc page] for info on this component.,haines 3,28,Apply additional algorithm to help with ADCP surface masking,raw2proc,,,defect,haines *,1224272751,1224272829,Using either error or echo determine best algorithm using other resources from the ADCP to insert NAN values in z-locations that contain or are above the surface. This is a follow-on to other tickets ([ticket:26 Ticket 26] and [ticket:27 Ticket 27]).,haines 3,25,apply magnetic variation to wind data from AVPs,raw2proc,,,task,haines *,1222287830,1223485579,Verify that u_v component and wind direction are NOT adjusted for magnetic variation at the AVP sites (Hampton_ Morgan_ and Stones). Then apply the correction from mvar value in proc_avp_ysi_6600_v2.py provided in each config-file for the platform location. This info is from Tony Whipple. Wind: Date_ time_ speed (m/s)_ direction (magnetic)_ compass direction (magnetic)_ North (m/s)_ East (m/s)_ n-samples See [/dataproc/wiki/raw2proc/docs raw2proc page] for info on this component.,haines 3,29,clean up procutil module,raw2proc,,,task,haines *,1291755512,1291755545,There is no need for functions like meters2feet()_ etc now that udunits is implemented. Clean-up code and make appropriate changes to calls to old conversions throughout plotting and processing.,haines 3,31,change dim names to match var name in netCDF (ntime to time),raw2proc,,raw2proc-1.0,defect,haines *,1340724268,1340724582,In each proc_*.py creator module_ change dimension names to match corresponding variable name. It might not make reading the file by humans easy_ but it will allow pydap to work correctly to grab data dependency. For example_ pydap cannot load d2.wtemp[:] because ntime dimension does not match time var. pydap is looking for the dependency based on dimension values. {{{ >>> d2= pydap.open_url('http://whewell.marine.unc.edu/dods/nccoos/level1/b2/ctd1/b2_ctd1_2011_11.nc') >>> d2.wtemp {'wtemp': _ 'ntime': } }}} {{{ >>> d2.wtemp[:] Traceback (most recent call last): File ""_ line 1_ in File "/opt/env/haines/dataproc/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pydap/model.py"_ line 662_ in __getitem__ var.data = var.data[slice_] File "/opt/env/haines/dataproc/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pydap/proxy.py"_ line 115_ in __getitem__ resp_ data = request(url) File "/opt/env/haines/dataproc/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pydap/util/http.py"_ line 50_ in request raise ServerError(msg) pydap.exceptions.ServerError: 'Server error 42: "\'ntime\'"' }}} However_ we can still read the data via pydap_ but have to know to get time separately_ e.g. {{{ >>> d2.wtemp.array[:] array([ 23.10750008_ 23.14500046_ 23.38870049_ ..._ 22.0807991 _ 22.06220055_ 22.07489967]_ dtype=float32) >>> d2.time.array[:] array([1320121566_ 1320132726_ 1320137406_ ..._ 1322696548_ 1322696908_ 1322697268]) }}} So change the following in creator(): {{{ # dimension names use tuple so order of initialization is maintained dim_inits = ( ('ntime'_ NC.UNLIMITED)_ ('nlat'_ 1)_ ('nlon'_ 1)_ ('nz'_ 1)_ ) }}} to {{{ # dimension names use tuple so order of initialization is maintained dim_inits = ( ('time'_ NC.UNLIMITED)_ ('lat'_ 1)_ ('lon'_ 1)_ ('z'_ 1)_ ) }}} and any ntime to time (or nlat to lat or nlon to lon or nz to z_ etc) {{{ # (varName_ varType_ (dimName1_ [dimName2]_ var_inits = ( # coordinate variables ('time'_ NC.INT_ ('time'_))_ ('lat'_ NC.FLOAT_ ('lat'_))_ ('lon'_ NC.FLOAT_ ('lon'_))_ ('z'_ NC.FLOAT_ ('z'_))_ # data variables ('wtemp'_ NC.FLOAT_ ('time'_))_ ('cond'_ NC.FLOAT_ ('time'_))_ ('press'_ NC.FLOAT_ ('time'_))_ # derived variables ('depth'_ NC.FLOAT_ ('time'_))_ ('salin'_ NC.FLOAT_ ('time'_))_ ('density'_ NC.FLOAT_ ('time'_))_ ) }}} ,haines 3,3,Add test framework,sodar,,sodar-1.0,enhancement,cbc *,1181589537,1181589935,Add a unittest based framework.,cbc 3,10,Correct for missing samples,sodar,,sodar-1.0,task,cbc *,1187623904,1187645854,Fill in Data copy with !NaNs for missing samples.,cbc 3,15,Correct for missing altitudes,sodar,,sodar-1.0,task,cbc *,1187624603,1187624609,Fix up data copies for missing altitudes so that arrays are orthogonal.,cbc 3,16,Mark the maximum altitude with good data for each sample,sodar,,sodar-1.0,task,cbc *,1187625199,1187625214,...and find the minimum of those maximums across all samples.,cbc 3,17,Mark the minimum altitude with good data for each sample,sodar,,sodar-1.0,task,cbc *,1187625334,1187625351,...and find maximum of those minimums across all samples.,cbc 3,19,Construct colorspec for c matrix,sodar,,sodar-1.0,task,cbc *,1187625574,1187625706,Convert speed to matplotlib colorspec.,cbc 4,1,Create setup.py,adcp,,,enhancement,cbc,1169760964,1169760964,Create a distutils compatible setup.py for the main module. We can make it into a Python Egg later.,gdusek