#!/usr/bin/python """ Module to process sodar data. """ import optparse from sodar.utils import openAnything, findMissing from sodar import arrayData as a import numpy as n import pylab as p import os def plotSingle(filein, pathout): """ Plot singe sodar raw data file. plotSingle(filein, pathout) -> rc filein - path to raw data file. fileout - path to plot images directory. rc - 0 if successful """ if not os.path.exists(pathout): os.makedirs(pathout, mode=0775) try: rawDataHandle = openAnything.openAnything(filein) rawDataString = rawDataHandle.read() rawDataHandle.close() except: raise IOError("Failure to read raw data.") rawDataObject = a.rawData.RawData(rawDataString) formattedDataObject = a.formattedData.FormattedData(rawDataObject) arrayDataObject = a.ArrayData(formattedDataObject) beginStamp = arrayDataObject.beginStamp endStamp = arrayDataObject.endStamp numIntervals = arrayDataObject.numIntervals timeInterval = arrayDataObject.timeInterval minAltitude = arrayDataObject.minAltitude numAltitudes = arrayDataObject.numAltitudes altInterval = arrayDataObject.altInterval def makePcolor(vector, title, fileout, cbLabel): fig = p.figure(1) axe = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) pc = axe.pcolor(vector) axe.set_xlabel('Time (hh:mm UTC)') axe.set_ylabel('Altitude (m)') axe.set_xbound(upper=numIntervals) xticks = axe.get_xticks() xticklabels = [(int(x) * timeInterval) + beginStamp for x in xticks] xticklabels = [':'.join(('%02u' % x.hour, '%02u' % x.minute)) for x in xticklabels] axe.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) yticks = axe.get_yticks() yticklabels = [str(y * altInterval + minAltitude) for y in yticks] axe.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) axe.set_title(title) cb = p.colorbar(pc) cb.set_label(cbLabel) fig.savefig(os.path.join(pathout, fileout)) fig.clear() return 0 uComponents = arrayDataObject.uComponents maskedUComponents = n.ma.masked_where(n.isnan(uComponents), uComponents) makePcolor(maskedUComponents.T, 'U Component of Wind Veloctiy for %s' % (str(beginStamp)[:10],), 'uComponents.png', 'Speed (cm/sec)') vComponents = arrayDataObject.vComponents maskedVComponents = n.ma.masked_where(n.isnan(vComponents), vComponents) makePcolor(maskedVComponents.T, 'V Component of Wind Veloctiy for %s' % (str(beginStamp)[:10],), 'vComponents.png', 'Speed (cm/sec)') wComponents = arrayDataObject.wComponents maskedWComponents = n.ma.masked_where(n.isnan(wComponents), wComponents) makePcolor(maskedWComponents.T, 'W Component of Wind Veloctiy for %s' % (str(beginStamp)[:10],), 'wComponents.png', 'Speed (cm/sec)') echoStrengths = arrayDataObject.echoStrengths maskedEchoStrenths = n.ma.masked_where(n.isnan(echoStrengths), echoStrengths) makePcolor(maskedEchoStrenths.T, 'Echo Strength for %s' % (str(beginStamp)[:10],), 'echoStrengths.png', 'Strength (no units)') # timeComponent = n.array(range(numIntervals)) # altComponent = n.array(range(numAltitudes)) # fig = p.figure(1) # axe = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # qv = axe.quiver(altComponent, # timeComponent, # maskedUComponents.T, # maskedVComponents.T) # axe.set_xlabel('Time (min)') # axe.set_ylabel('Altitude (m)') # axe.set_xbound(upper=numIntervals) # xticks = axe.get_xticks() # xticklabels = [(int(x) * timeInterval) + beginStamp # for x in xticks] # xticklabels = [':'.join(('%02u' % x.hour, '%02u' % x.minute)) # for x in xticklabels] # axe.set_xticklabels(xticklabels) # yticks = axe.get_yticks() # yticklabels = [str(y * altInterval + minAltitude) # for y in yticks] # axe.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) # axe.set_title('Wind Velocty for %s' % # (str(beginStamp)[:10],)) # cb = p.colorbar(qv) # cb.set_label('W Component Speed (cm/sec)') # fig.savefig(os.path.join(pathout, 'quiver.png')) # fig.clear() return 0 def plotAll(source, destination, force): """ Plot all sodar raw data files. plotAll(source, destination) -> rc source - path to raw data directory in NCCOOS format. detination - path to plot images directory in NCCOOS format. force - update all destination plots for which raw data sources exist. rc - 0 if successful """ if source.endswith(os.path.sep): source = source.rstrip(os.path.sep) if destination.endswith(os.path.sep): destination = destination.rstrip(os.path.sep) walkList = findMissing.findMissing(source, destination, force) for filein, pathout in walkList: plotSingle(filein, pathout) return 0 def _main(): """bin/python %prog [options] /path/to/raw/files/ /path/to/plots/dir/""" __description__ = 'Plot all sodar raw data files.' parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=_main.__doc__, version='%prog 1.0', description=__description__) parser.set_defaults(forceUpdate=False) parser.add_option('-f', '--force-update', action='store_true', dest='force', help='update all plots for which raw data exists') (values, args) = parser.parse_args() (source, destination) = tuple(args) plotAll(source, destination, values.force) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": _main()