platform_info = { 'id' : 'b1', 'location' : 'Hatteras Bay, 20 nm East of Oregon Inlet, NC', 'lat' : 35.7885, # degrees true (-) south, (+) north 'lon' : -75.1053, # degrees true (-) west, (+) east 'mvar' : -11.3, # degrees (-) west, (+) east 'altitude': 0., # (approx.) station altitude 'altitude_units' : 'm', 'altitude_reference' : 'sea_surface', # 'mean_water_depth': -32.0, 'mean_water_depth_time_period': 'Not determined', 'institution' : 'nccoos', # 'config_start_date' : '2011-11-12 16:00:00', 'config_end_date' : '2012-04-08 19:00:00', # None or yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS 'packages' : ('met', 'wind', 'ctd1', 'ctd2'), # Required by CF 'institution' : 'Unversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH)', 'institution_url' : '', 'institution_dods_url' : '', 'contact' : 'Sara Haines (', 'conventions' : 'CF-1.0; SEACOOS-CDL-v2.0', # Required by Scout 'format_category_code' : 'fixed-point', 'institution_code' : 'nccoos', # Recommended 'project' : 'North Carolina Coastal Ocean Observing System (NCCOOS)', 'project_url' : '', 'metadata_url' : '', 'references' : '', 'source': 'Buoy CR1000 Datalogger', # Needed for processing NDBC output 'ndbc_module' : 'ndbc_41xxx', 'ndbc_id': '41xxx', 'ndbc_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/latest_ndbc', 'ndbc_missing' : -9999.0, # report data to NDBC closest to top of each hour +/- 6 min 'ndbc_sample_interval':(1,'hour'), 'ndbc_sample_offset':(0,'minute'), 'ndbc_time_tolerance':(6,'minute'), # report data closest to 0:10 and 0:40 each hour +/- 3 min # 'ndbc_sample_interval':(30,'minute'), # every 30 min # 'ndbc_sample_offset':(10,'minute'), # offset by +10 min # 'ndbc_time_tolerance':(3,'minute'), } sensor_info = { 'met' : { 'id' : 'met', 'description' : 'Meterological Data averaged for one minute each sample period', 'raw_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/level0/b1/met/', 'raw_file_glob' : '*.dat', 'proc_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/level1/b1/met/', 'process_module' : 'proc_cr1000_met', 'utc_offset' : 0, # hours offset to utc of sampling time 'barometer_height' : 1.5, # meters 'temperature_height' : 1.5, # meters 'height_units' : 'm', 'height_reference' : 'sea_surface', 'source': 'Heise Baro, Rotronics Temp/RH, RM Young Precip, Eppley PSP/PIR', # 'latest_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/latest_v2.0', # 'latest_vars' : ('time','lat','lon','z','atemp', 'baro', 'rh', 'rain', 'psp', 'pir'), 'ndbc_vars' : ('air_temp', 'air_press', 'rh', 'psp', 'pir'), 'ndbc_tags' : ('atmp1', 'baro1', 'rrh', 'srad1', 'lwrad'), 'ndbc_units' : ('degC', 'hPa', '%', 'W m-2', 'W m-2'), 'plot_module': 'plot_cr1000_met', 'plot_names': ('timeseries',), }, 'wind' : { 'id' : 'wind', 'description' : 'Wind Data averaged for one minute each sample period', 'raw_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/level0/b1/wind/', 'raw_file_glob' : '*.dat', 'proc_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/level1/b1/wind/', 'process_module' : 'proc_cr1000_wind', 'utc_offset' : 0, # hours offset to utc of sampling time 'anemometer1_height' : 3.66, # meters (12 ft) 'anemometer2_height' : 3.35, # meters (11 ft above sea surface) 'height_units' : 'm', 'height_reference' : 'sea_surface', # Recommended 'source': 'RM Young Marine Wind Monitor 5106', # 'latest_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/latest_v2.0', # 'latest_vars' : ('time','lat','lon','z','u', 'v', 'wspd', 'wdir'), 'ndbc_vars' : ('wspd1', 'wdir1', 'wgust1', 'wspd2', 'wdir2', 'wgust2'), 'ndbc_tags' : ('wspd1', 'wdir1', 'gust1', 'wspd2', 'wdir2', 'gust2'), 'ndbc_units' : ('m s-1', 'degrees', 'm s-1', 'm s-1', 'degrees', 'm s-1'), 'plot_module': 'plot_cr1000_wind', 'plot_names': ('timeseries',), }, 'ctd1' : { 'id' : 'ctd1', 'description' : 'Near-surface CTD Data each sample period', 'raw_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/level0/b1/ctd1/store/2011_11', 'raw_file_glob' : '*', 'proc_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/level1/b1/ctd1/', 'process_module' : 'proc_sbe37_ctd', 'utc_offset' : 0, # hours offset to utc of sampling time 'nominal_depth' : -2.0, # meters 'depth_units' : 'm', 'depth_reference' : 'sea_surface', # Recommended 'source': 'Seabird (SBE) 37 IMP', # 'latest_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/latest_v2.0', # 'latest_vars' : ('time','lat','lon','z','depth', 'wtemp', 'cond', 'salin', 'density'), 'ndbc_vars' : ('wtemp','depth', 'wtemp', 'salin'), # wtmp1 tag needed to get into weather obs, others for temp/salin obs 'ndbc_tags' : ('wtmp1', 'dp001', 'tp001', 'sp001'), 'ndbc_units' : ('degC', 'm', 'degC', 'psu'), 'plot_module': 'plot_cr1000_ctd', 'plot_names': ('timeseries',), }, 'ctd2' : { 'id' : 'ctd2', 'description' : 'Mid-level CTD Data each sample period', 'raw_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/level0/b1/ctd2/store/2011_11', 'raw_file_glob' : '*', 'proc_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/level1/b1/ctd2/', 'process_module' : 'proc_sbe37_ctd', 'utc_offset' : 0, # hours offset to utc of sampling time 'nominal_depth' : -15.0, # meters 'depth_units' : 'm', 'depth_reference' : 'sea_surface', # Recommended 'source': 'Seabird (SBE) 37 IMP', # 'latest_dir' : '/seacoos/data/nccoos/latest_v2.0', # 'latest_vars' : ('time','lat','lon','z','depth', 'wtemp', 'cond', 'salin', 'density'), 'ndbc_vars' : ('depth', 'wtemp', 'salin'), 'ndbc_tags' : ('dp002', 'tp002', 'sp002'), 'ndbc_units' : ('m', 'degC', 'psu'), 'plot_module': 'plot_cr1000_ctd', 'plot_names': ('timeseries',), }, }