clear; load('GLIDER_DATA_LEVEL1\Ramses_Deployment1_DO_L1.mat'); figure('Name', 'Ramses Dissolved Oxygen Hysteresis Analysis', 'NumberTitle', 'off'); start = 279409; middle = 279890; stop = 280179; subplot(3, 4, 1); [ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); datetick(ax(1), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); datetick(ax(2), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color[rgb]{0 .5 0}Sample Time as Green Bar'}); xlabel('UTC Time'); ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); axes(ax(2)); yl = get(gca, 'YLim'); line([ptime_ebd_datenum(middle) ptime_ebd_datenum(middle)], [yl(1) yl(2)], 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'green', 'LineWidth', 2); subplot(3, 4, 2); [ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); datetick(ax(1), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); datetick(ax(2), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); xlabel('UTC Time'); ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); subplot(3, 4, 3); plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); hold on; plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); ylabel('Depth (m)'); subplot(3, 4, 4); plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); hold on; plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); title({'Ramses Deployment 1'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); clear; load('GLIDER_DATA_LEVEL1\Ramses_Deployment2_DO_L1.mat'); start = 96030; middle = 96414; stop = 96765; subplot(3, 4, 5); [ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); datetick(ax(1), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); datetick(ax(2), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color[rgb]{0 .5 0}Sample Time as Green Bar'}); xlabel('UTC Time'); ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); axes(ax(2)); yl = get(gca, 'YLim'); line([ptime_ebd_datenum(middle) ptime_ebd_datenum(middle)], [yl(1) yl(2)], 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'green', 'LineWidth', 2); subplot(3, 4, 6); [ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); datetick(ax(1), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); datetick(ax(2), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); xlabel('UTC Time'); ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); subplot(3, 4, 7); plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); hold on; plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); ylabel('Depth (m)'); subplot(3, 4, 8); plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); hold on; plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); title({'Ramses Deployment 2'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)'); clear; load('GLIDER_DATA_LEVEL1\Ramses_Deployment3_DO_L1.mat'); start = 66193; middle = 66521; stop = 66842; subplot(3, 4, 9); [ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum, -depthi, ptime_ebd_datenum, o2_sat); datetick(ax(1), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); datetick(ax(2), 'x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color[rgb]{0 .5 0}Sample Time as Green Bar'}); xlabel('UTC Time'); ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); axes(ax(2)); yl = get(gca, 'YLim'); line([ptime_ebd_datenum(middle) ptime_ebd_datenum(middle)], [yl(1) yl(2)], 'LineStyle', '-', 'Color', 'green', 'LineWidth', 2); subplot(3, 4, 10); [ax, ~, h2] = plotyy(ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), -depthi(start:stop), ptime_ebd_datenum(start:stop), o2_sat(start:stop)); datetick(ax(1), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); datetick(ax(2), 'x', 15, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); set(h2, 'Color', 'r'); set(ax(2), 'YColor', 'r'); title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; ['on ', datestr(ptime_ebd_datenum(start), 1)]}); xlabel('UTC Time'); ylabel(ax(1), 'Depth (m)'); ylabel(ax(2), 'O2 Saturation (%)'); subplot(3, 4, 11); plot(o2_sat(start:middle), -depthi(start:middle), '.'); hold on; plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), -depthi(middle:stop), 'r.'); title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Depth and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); ylabel('Depth (m)'); subplot(3, 4, 12); plot(o2_sat(start:middle), tempi(start:middle), '.'); hold on; plot(o2_sat(middle:stop), tempi(middle:stop), 'r.'); title({'Ramses Deployment 3'; 'Temp and O2 Saturation'; '\color{blue}Downcast = Blue \color{black}/ \color{red}Upcast = Red'}); xlabel('O2 Saturation (%)'); ylabel('Temp (Degrees C)');