% % gliderCTD_2DPlots.m % % Purpose: Generate set of 2D plots of glider CTD data % % Author: William Stark % Marine Sciences Department % UNC-Chapel Hill % % Created: 11 June 2012 % %//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function gliderCTD_2DPlots(config, nLegEndPoints, strLegEndPoints,... strDeploymentNumber, strLegNumber, legNumber, ptime_datenum,... dens, densBounds, densCorrected, depth, pres,... salin, salinBounds, salinCorrected,... temp, tempBounds, chlor, chlorBounds,... plotFlag_TS, plotFlag_TS_AllLegs, plotFlag_TS_Chlorophyll,... plotFlag_Temperature, plotFlag_Salinity, plotFlag_Density,... plotFlag_Chlorophyll, plotFlag_TemperatureProfile,... plotFlag_SalinityProfile, plotFlag_DensityProfile,... plotFlag_ChlorophyllProfile) % set glider and deployment strings for plot titles... strGliderName = config.glider_name; strDeployment = ['Deployment ', strDeploymentNumber]; % colored markers to distinguish legs... coloredMarker = {'r.'; 'g.'; 'b.'; 'y.'; 'm.'; 'c.'}; if (plotFlag_TS_AllLegs==1) % TS plot for all legs (separate color for each leg)... lastLeg = length(nLegEndPoints); figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); for i=2:lastLeg % get start/end points strings and indices for this leg... nLegStart = nLegEndPoints(i, 1); nLegEnd = nLegEndPoints(i, 2); strLegStart = char(strLegEndPoints(i, 1)); strLegEnd = char(strLegEndPoints(i, 2)); % select data corresponding to the passed-in leg endpoints... temp_thisLeg = temp(nLegStart:nLegEnd); salinCorrected_thisLeg = salinCorrected(nLegStart:nLegEnd); % set marker color and plot TS for this leg... strColoredMarker = char(coloredMarker(i-1)); plot(salinCorrected_thisLeg, temp_thisLeg, strColoredMarker, 'MarkerSize', 10); hold on; end % scale the x-axis and y-axis... ax = axis; axis([salinBounds(1) salinBounds(2) tempBounds(1) tempBounds(2)]); ylabel('Temperature (°C)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Salinity (psu)', 'fontsize', 18); % strLegend = []; % for i=2:lastLeg % if i==2 % strLegend = ['Leg ', i-1]; % else % strLegend = strcat(strLegend, [', Leg ', i-1]); % end % legend(strLegend); title([strGliderName, ' - All legs for ', strDeployment, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); x = [ax(1):0.1:ax(2)]; y = [ax(3):0.3:ax(4)]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); rho = sw_pden(X, Y, 0, 0); [C, H] = contour(X, Y, rho, [1024:0.2:1028], 'k--'); clabel(C, H, 'FontSize', 16); end % get start/end points strings and indices for this leg... nLegStart = nLegEndPoints(legNumber+1, 1); nLegEnd = nLegEndPoints(legNumber+1, 2); strLegStart = char(strLegEndPoints(legNumber+1, 1)); strLegEnd = char(strLegEndPoints(legNumber+1, 2)); % select data corresponding to the passed-in leg endpoints... ptime_datenum = ptime_datenum(nLegStart:nLegEnd); pres = pres(nLegStart:nLegEnd); depth = depth(nLegStart:nLegEnd); temp = temp(nLegStart:nLegEnd); salin = salin(nLegStart:nLegEnd); salinCorrected = salinCorrected(nLegStart:nLegEnd); dens = dens(nLegStart:nLegEnd); densCorrected = densCorrected(nLegStart:nLegEnd); chlor = chlor(nLegStart:nLegEnd); % set leg strings for plot titles... if (strcmp(strLegNumber, '0')) strLeg = 'Complete'; else strLeg = ['Leg ', strLegNumber, ' ( ', strLegStart, ' to ', strLegEnd, ' )']; end if (plotFlag_TS==1) % TS plot... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); % set marker color and plot TS for this leg... if legNumber==0 strColoredMarker = char(coloredMarker(1)); else strColoredMarker = char(coloredMarker(legNumber)); end plot(salinCorrected, temp, strColoredMarker, 'MarkerSize', 10); hold on; % scale the x-axis and y-axis... ax = axis; axis([salinBounds(1) salinBounds(2) tempBounds(1) tempBounds(2)]); ylabel('Temperature (°C)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Salinity (psu)', 'fontsize', 18); % legend('Original', 'Corrected'); title([strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); x = [ax(1):0.1:ax(2)]; y = [ax(3):0.3:ax(4)]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); rho = sw_pden(X, Y, 0, 0); [C, H] = contour(X, Y, rho, [1024:0.2:1028], 'k--'); clabel(C, H, 'FontSize', 16); end if (plotFlag_TS_Chlorophyll==1) % TS plot with color mapped to chlorophyll... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); ccplot(salinCorrected, temp, chlor, chlorBounds, '.', 10); hold on; hc = colorbar; set(hc, 'fontsize', 12); % scale the x-axis and y-axis... ax = axis; axis([salinBounds(1) salinBounds(2) tempBounds(1) tempBounds(2)]); ylabel('Temperature (°C)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Salinity (psu)', 'fontsize', 18); title([strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' with CHLOROPHYLL (ug/l) '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); x = [ax(1):0.1:ax(2)]; y = [ax(3):0.3:ax(4)]; [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); rho = sw_pden(X, Y, 0, 0); [C, H] = contour(X, Y, rho, [1024:0.2:1028], 'k--'); clabel(C, H, 'FontSize', 16); end if (plotFlag_Temperature==1) % temperature vs depth... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); plot(temp, depth, 'b.'); grid on; % scale the x-axis... ax = axis; axis([tempBounds(1) tempBounds(2) ax(3) ax(4)]); set(gca, 'fontsize', 13, 'ydir', 'reverse'); ylabel('Depth (m)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Temperature (°C)', 'fontsize', 18); title(['TEMPERATURE - ', strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); end if (plotFlag_Salinity==1) % corrected salinity vs depth... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); plot(salinCorrected, depth, 'b.'); grid on; % scale the x-axis... ax = axis; axis([salinBounds(1) salinBounds(2) ax(3) ax(4)]); set(gca, 'fontsize', 13, 'ydir', 'reverse'); ylabel('Depth (m)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Salinity (psu)', 'fontsize', 18); title(['SALINITY - ', strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); end if (plotFlag_Density==1) % corrected density vs depth... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); plot(densCorrected, depth, 'b.'); grid on; % scale the x-axis... ax = axis; axis([densBounds(1) densBounds(2) ax(3) ax(4)]); set(gca, 'fontsize', 13, 'ydir', 'reverse'); ylabel('Depth (m)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Density (kg m-3)', 'fontsize', 18); title(['DENSITY - ', strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); end if (plotFlag_Chlorophyll==1) % chlorophyll vs depth... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); plot(chlor, depth, 'b.'); grid on; % scale the x-axis... ax = axis; axis([chlorBounds(1) chlorBounds(2) ax(3) ax(4)]); set(gca, 'fontsize', 13, 'ydir', 'reverse'); ylabel('Depth (m)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Chlorophyll (ug/l)', 'fontsize', 18); title(['CHLOROPHYLL - ', strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); end if (plotFlag_TemperatureProfile==1) % temperature profile... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); ccplot(ptime_datenum, depth, temp, tempBounds, '.', 10); set(gca, 'fontsize', 12, 'ydir', 'reverse'); datetick('x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); hc = colorbar; set(hc, 'fontsize', 12); ylabel('Depth (m)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Temperature (°C)', 'fontsize', 18); title(['TEMPERATURE - ', strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); end if (plotFlag_SalinityProfile==1) % corrected salinity profile... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); ccplot(ptime_datenum, depth, salinCorrected, salinBounds, '.', 10); set(gca, 'fontsize', 12, 'ydir', 'reverse'); datetick('x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); hc = colorbar; set(hc, 'fontsize', 12); ylabel('Depth (m)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Salinity (psu)', 'fontsize', 18); title(['SALINITY - ', strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); end if (plotFlag_DensityProfile==1) % corrected density profile... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); ccplot(ptime_datenum, depth, densCorrected, densBounds, '.', 10); set(gca, 'fontsize', 12, 'ydir', 'reverse'); datetick('x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); hc = colorbar; set(hc, 'fontsize', 12); ylabel('Depth (m)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Density (kg m-3)', 'fontsize', 18); title(['DENSITY - ', strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); end if (plotFlag_ChlorophyllProfile==1) % chlorophyll profile... figure('Position', [500,500,1600,900]); ccplot(ptime_datenum, depth, chlor, chlorBounds, '.', 10); set(gca, 'fontsize', 12, 'ydir', 'reverse'); datetick('x', 6, 'keeplimits', 'keepticks'); hc = colorbar; set(hc, 'fontsize', 12); ylabel('Depth (m)', 'fontsize', 18); xlabel('Chlorophyll (ug/l)', 'fontsize', 18); title(['CHLOROPHYLL - ', strGliderName, ' , ', strDeployment, ' , ', strLeg, ' '], 'fontsize', 20, 'fontweight', 'bold'); end end