function theResult = undoc(theHandle) % undoc -- Undocumented properties of a handle. % undoc(theHandle) returns or lists the names of the % undocumented properties of theHandle (default = 0). % Copyright (C) 1999 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO. % All Rights Reserved. % Disclosure without explicit written consent from the % copyright owner does not constitute publication. % Version of 20-Oct-1999 00:45:25. % Updated 20-Oct-1999 08:04:08. if nargout > 0, theResult = {}; end if nargin < 1, theHandle = 0; end if ischar(theHandle), theHandle = eval(theHandle); end if isempty(theHandle), return, end theWarningState = warning; warning('off') theUndocState = get(0, 'hideundocumented'); set(0, 'hideundocumented', 'on') a = get(theHandle); % Documented properties. set(0, 'hideundocumented', 'off') b = get(theHandle); % All properties. set(0, 'hideundocumented', theUndocState) % Restore. warning(theWarningState) % Restore. theNames = fieldnames(b); for i = length(theNames):-1:1 if isfield(a, theNames{i}) theNames(i) = []; end end if nargout > 0 theResult = theNames; else disp(theNames) end