function theStatus = uisetdir(thePrompt, theInstruction) % uisetdir -- Open the destination folder via dialog. % uisetdir('thePrompt', 'theInstruction') presents the "uiputfile" % dialog with 'thePrompt' and 'theInstruction', for selecting the % desired destination folder. The returned status is logical(1) % if successful; otherwise, logical(0). % Copyright (C) 1997 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO. % All Rights Reserved. % Disclosure without explicit written consent from the % copyright owner does not constitute publication. % Version of 03-Jul-1997 09:16:00. if nargin < 1, thePrompt = 'Open The Destination Folder'; end if nargin < 2, theInstruction = 'Save If Okay'; end theFile = 0; thePath = 0; [theFile, thePath] = uiputfile(theInstruction, thePrompt); status = 0; if isstr(thePath) & any(thePath) status = 1; eval('cd(thePath)', 'status = 0;') end if nargout > 0, theStatus = any(any(status)); end