function folder = uigetfolder(title, initial_path) %UIGETFOLDER Standard Windows browse for folder dialog box. % % folder = uigetfolder(title, initial_path) % % Output: folder = selected folder (empty string if dialog cancelled) % Inputs: title = title string (OPTIONAL) % initial_path = initial path (OPTIONAL, defaults to PWD) % % Examples: folder = uigetfolder - default title and initial path % folder = uigetfolder('Select results folder') - default initial path % folder = uigetfolder([], 'C:\Program Files') - default title % % See also UIGETFILE, UIPUTFILE %----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~strcmp(computer, 'PCWIN') error_dialog_handle = errordlg(['The function ', upper(mfilename), ' only works on a MS-Windows PC'], ... mfilename, ... 'modal'); folder = ''; else if nargin < 2 initial_path = pwd; end if nargin < 1 | isempty(title) title = 'Select a folder'; end % Error checking if ~ischar(title) error('The title must be a string') end if ~ischar(initial_path) error('The initial path must be a string') end if ~exist(initial_path, 'dir') error(['The initial path: ', initial_path, ' does not exist!']) end folder = uigetfolder_win32(title, initial_path); end %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------