function [len, val] = rlencode(x) %RLENCODE Run-length encode a vector. % [LEN, VAL] = RLENCODE(X) returns a vector LEN with the length of each % run and a vector VAL with the corresponding values. LEN and VAL have % the same lengths. X must be a vector. % % Example: rlencode([ 6 6 4 4 4 5 8 8 7 7 7 7 ]) will return % % len = [ 2 3 1 2 4 ]; % run lengths % val = [ 6 4 5 8 7 ]; % values % % See also RLDECODE. % % Calls: none % Author: Peter J. Acklam % Time-stamp: 2000-09-12 11:44:14 % E-mail: % WWW URL: % check number of input arguments error(nargchk(1, 1, nargin)); isiz = size(x); ldim = isiz > 1; if sum(ldim) > 1 error('Input must be a vector.'); end % make sure input is a column vector x = x(:); % now perform the run-length encoding i = [ find(x(1:end-1) ~= x(2:end)) ; length(x) ]; len = diff([ 0 ; i ]); val = x(i); % make sure that the output is a vector in the same dimension as input osiz = isiz; osiz(ldim) = length(len); len = reshape(len, osiz); val = reshape(val, osiz);