function dstruct = read_gliderasc3(file) % dbdasc_extract.m %fn = './pelagia-2012-046-4-0.tbdasc' %file = 'pelagia-2012-022-0-0.dbdasc'; file = 'pelagia-2012-039-1-10.dbdasc'; datadir = ''; fid = fopen(blank([datadir, file]), 'r'); if fid>0 numHeaderLines = 0; while (~feof(fid)) % read header data without concern for order a = fgetl(fid); numHeaderLines = numHeaderLines + 1; if strmatch('num_ascii_tags:', a) numAsciiTags = str2num(a(17:end)); elseif strmatch('filename_label:', a) fileName = a(17:end); elseif strmatch('mission_name:', a) missionName = a(15:end); elseif strmatch('sensors_per_cycle:', a) numVars = str2num(a(20:end)); elseif strmatch('num_label_lines:', a) numLabelLines = str2num(a(17:end)); elseif strmatch('segment_filename_0:', a) break; end end % while (~feof(fid)) % extract variable labels labels = fgetl(fid); splitstring = textscan(labels,'%s'); varLabels = splitstring{1}.'; % extract unit labels labels = fgetl(fid); splitstring = textscan(labels,'%s'); unitLabels = splitstring{1}.'; % extract numbers a = fgetl(fid); dstruct.fname = fileName; dstruct.mname = missionName; dstruct.vars = varLabels; dstruct.varlabs = unitLabels; totalNumHeaderLines = numHeaderLines + numLabelLines; formatString = repmat('%f', 1, numVars); % This creates '%f%f%f' ... but with dynamic length based on header info % You can make this elaborate based on file type (edb, dbd, tbd) and % intermix integers, float and strings. e.g. %d%d%d%f%f%f%s%s % SMH -- 100 times faster to textscan() rather than load() % -- and probably 1000 timers faster than reading line by line. D = textscan(fid, formatString, 'Headerlines', totalNumHeaderLines); D = cell2mat(D); [nr nc] = size(D); if nr>0 = [D]; end end % if fid>0 fclose(fid);