function makedir(varargin) % makedir -- Make a new directory. % makedir('thePath') creates a new sub-directory named 'thePath' % (no embellishments), located within the current directory. % A dialog is invoked if manual intervention is needed. No % action is taken if the desired directory already exists. % The "present-working-directory" itself remains the same. % makedir "p q r" assumes that the arguments represent one % path-name with single-blanks between components. % makedir p q r is the same as makedir "p q r". % Copyright (C) 1996-7 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO. % All Rights Reserved. % Disclosure without written explicit consent from the % copyright owner does not constitute publication. % Version of 08-Jul-1997 08:36:09. % Revised 04-Nov-1998 21:57:53. % Revised 05-Nov-1998 15:24:50. if nargin < 1, help(mfilename), return, end thePath = ''; for i = 1:length(varargin) if i > 1, thePath = [thePath ' ']; end thePath = [thePath varargin{i}]; end if thePath(1) == '"' & thePath(length(thePath)) == '"' thePath = thePath(2:length(thePath)-1); end itExists = 1; trystr = 'cd(thePath); cd ..'; catchstr = 'itExists = 0;'; eval(trystr, catchstr) if itExists disp([' ## Directory already exists: "' thePath '"']) return end lasterr('') warn = 'warning(lasterr); lasterr('''');'; thePWD = pwd; if thePWD(length(thePWD)) == filesep thePWD(length(thePWD)) = ''; end if exist('mkdir', 'builtin') | exist('mkdir', 'file') theCommand = ['mkdir(''' thePath ''')']; elseif any(findstr(computer, 'MAC')) theCommand = ['newfolder(''' thePath ''')']; elseif any(findstr(computer, 'VMS')) theCommand = ['!create/directory "' thePWD filesep thePath '"']; else theCommand = ['!mkdir "' thePWD filesep thePath '"']; end disp([' ## ' theCommand]) eval(theCommand, warn) trystr = 'itExists = 1; cd(thePath); cd ..'; catchstr = 'itExists = 0;'; eval(trystr, catchstr) if itExists disp([' ## Directory created: "' thePath '"']) return end thePrompt = ['Make New ' thePath ' Folder']; theInstruction = 'Create, Then Save'; while ~itExists if any(uisetdir(thePrompt, theInstruction)) cd .. eval(trystr, catchstr) else break end thePrompt = [thePrompt '!']; end if itExists disp([' ## Directory created: "' thePath '"']) else disp([' ## Unable to create: "' thePath '"']) end function theResult = newfolder(theFolderName) % newfolder -- Create a new Macintosh folder. % newfolder('theFolderName') creates a new Macintosh % folder of 'theFolderName' in the current directory. % The current directory setting remains unchanged. % If the folder already exists, no action is taken. % The result is logical(1) if successful; otherwise % it is logical(0). % Copyright (C) 1997 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO. % All Rights Reserved. % Disclosure without explicit written consent from the % copyright owner does not constitute publication. % Version of 05-Sep-1997 17:01:27. % The applescript commands in file "newfolder.mac". % % set theTarget to thePath & ":" & theNewFolder % if not (exists item theTarget) then % make new folder at folder thePath % set name of folder "untitled folder" of folder thePath to theNewFolder % end if if nargin < 1 help(mfilename) return end if ~any(findstr(computer, 'MAC')) disp([' ## No action taken: "' mfilename '" requires Macintosh computer.']) return end thePath = pwd; while thePath(length(thePath)) == filesep thePath(length(thePath)) = ''; end thePath = ['"' thePath '"']; theNewFolder = ['"' theFolderName '"']; result = feval('applescript', 'newfolder.mac', ... 'thePath', thePath, 'theNewFolder', theNewFolder); if ~isempty(result), disp(result), end result = logical(isempty(result)); if nargout > 0, theResult = result; end function theStatus = uisetdir(thePrompt, theInstruction) % uisetdir -- Open the destination folder via dialog. % uisetdir('thePrompt', 'theInstruction') presents the "uiputfile" % dialog with 'thePrompt' and 'theInstruction', for selecting the % desired destination folder. The returned status is logical(1) % if successful; otherwise, logical(0). % Copyright (C) 1997 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO. % All Rights Reserved. % Disclosure without explicit written consent from the % copyright owner does not constitute publication. % Version of 03-Jul-1997 09:16:00. if nargin < 1, thePrompt = 'Open The Destination Folder'; end if nargin < 2, theInstruction = 'Save If Okay'; end theFile = 0; thePath = 0; [theFile, thePath] = uiputfile(theInstruction, thePrompt); status = 0; if isstr(thePath) & any(thePath) status = 1; eval('cd(thePath)', 'status = 0;') end if nargout > 0, theStatus = any(any(status)); end