function str = latexmat(mat, format) %LATEXMAT Generate LaTeX code for a matrix. % % STR = LATEX(MAT, FORMAT) return the LaTeX code for the matrix MAT, % with the given FORMAT. % % See HELP SPRINTF for more details about the FORMAT parameter. % Author: Peter J. Acklam % Time-stamp: 2000-02-29 23:27:59 % E-mail: % WWW URL: error(nargchk(2, 2, nargin)); if ischar(mat) error('First argument can not be a string.'); end if ~ischar(format) error('Second argument must be a string.'); end [ r, c ] = size(mat); newline = sprintf('\n'); str = [ '\left[ \begin{array}{' ... char(abs('c')*ones(1,c)) '}' newline ]; for i = 1:r str = [ str ' ' ]; for j = 1:c t = sprintf(format, real(mat(i,j))); if (imag(mat(i,j)) > 0) t = [ t '+' sprintf(format, imag(mat(i,j))) 'i' ]; elseif (imag(mat(i,j)) < 0) t = [ t '-' sprintf(format, -imag(mat(i,j))) 'i' ]; end str = [ str ' ' t ]; if j < c str = [ str ' &' ]; else if i < r str = [ str ' \\' newline ]; else str = [ str newline ]; end end end end str = [ str '\end{array} \right]' newline ];