function keep(varargin); %KEEP keeps the base workspace variables of your choice and clear the rest. % % CALL: keep var1 var2 var3 ... % % % Yoram Tal 5/7/98 % MATLAB version 5.2 % Based on a program by Xiaoning (David) Yang % 15/9/99 Bug fix - empty delete sring (due to Hyrum D Johnson) % % 29 Mar 2000 Catherine R. Edwards - Feature added to keep all globals % % Find variables in base workspace wh = evalin('base','who'); % Remove variables in the "keep" list del = setdiff(wh,varargin); % Keep all global variables isglo=nan*ones(1,length(del)); for i=1:length(del) isglo(i)=evalin('base',['isglobal(' char(wh(i)) ')']); end del(find(isglo==1))=[]; % Nothing to remove - return if isempty(del), return; end % Construct the clearing command string str=blank(column([repmat(',''',length(del),1),char(del),repmat('''',length(del),1)]')'); % Clear evalin('base',['clear(',str(2:end),');'])