function [C,RA,RB] = insertrows(A,B,ind) % INSERTROWS - Insert rows into a matrix at specific locations % C = INSERTROWS(A,B,IND) inserts the rows of matrix B into the matrix A at % the positions IND. Row k of matrix B will be inserted after position IND(k) % in the matrix A. If A is a N-by-X matrix and B is a M-by-X matrix, C will % be a (N+M)-by-X matrix. IND can contain non-integers. % % If B is a 1-by-N matrix, B will be inserted for each insertion position % specified by IND. If IND is a single value, the whole matrix B will be % inserted at that position. If B is a single value, B is expanded to a row % vector. In all other cases, the number of elements in IND should be equal to % the number of rows in B, and the number of columns, planes etc should be the % same for both matrices A and B. % If any of the inputs are empty, C will return A. % % Examples: % % the size of A,B, and IND all match % C = insertrows(rand(5,2),zeros(2,2),[1.5 3]) % % the row vector B is inserted twice % C = insertrows(ones(4,3),1:3,[1 Inf]) % % matrix B is expanded to a row vector and inserted twice (as in 2) % C = insertrows(ones(5,3),999,[2 4]) % % the whole matrix B is inserted once % C = insertrows(ones(5,3),zeros(2,3),2) % % [C, RA, RB] = INSERTROWS(...) will return the row indices RA and RB for which C % corresponds to the rows of either A and B. % [c,ra,rb] = insertrows([1:4].',99,[0 3]) ; % c.' % -> [99 1 2 3 99 4] ; % c(ra).' % -> [1 2 3 4] ; % c(rb).' % -> [99 99] ; % % To insert columns, planes, etc., you can permute the inputs and ipermute the result. % A = ones(4,3) ; B = zeros(4,1) ; % C = insertrows(permute(A,[2 1]), permute(B,[2 1]),1) ; % C = ipermute(C,[2 1]) ; % % See also PERMUTE, IPERMUTE, RESHAPE, CAT % for Matlab R13 % version 1.0 (feb 2006) % (c) Jos van der Geest % email: error(nargchk(3,3,nargin)) ; % shortcut when any of the inputs are empty if isempty(B) || isempty(ind), C = A ; if nargout, RA = 1:size(A,1) ; RB = [] ; end end sa = size(A) ; % match the sizes of A, B if numel(B)==1, % B has a single argument, expand to match A sb = [1 sa(2:end)] ; B = repmat(B,sb) ; else % otherwise check for dimension errors if ndims(A) ~= ndims(B), error('Both input matrices should have the same number of dimensions.') ; end sb = size(B) ; if ~all(sa(2:end) == sb(2:end)), error('Both input matrices should have the same number of columns (and planes, etc).') ; end end ind = ind(:) ; % make as row vector ni = length(ind) ; % match the sizes of B and IND if ni ~= sb(1), if ni==1 && sb(1) > 1, % expand IND ind = repmat(ind,sb(1),1) ; elseif (ni > 1) && (sb(1)==1), % expand B B = repmat(B,ni,1) ; else error('The number of rows to insert should equal the number of insertion positions.') ; end end sb = size(B) ; % the actual work % 1. concatenate matrices C = [A ; B] ; % 2. sort the respective indices [abi,abi] = sort([[1:sa(1)].' ; ind(:)]) ; % 3. reshuffle the large matrix C = C(abi,:) ; % 4. reshape as A for nd matrices (nd>2) if ndims(A) > 2, sc = sa ; sc(1) = sc(1)+sb(1) ; C = reshape(C,sc) ; end if nargout, % outputs required R = [zeros(sa(1),1) ; ones(sb(1),1)] ; R = R(abi) ; RA = find(R==0) ; RB = find(R==1) ; end