function fnames = findfiles(extension,directory) % Finds all files with the specified extension in the current directory and % subdirectories (recursive). Returns a cell array with the fully specified % file names. % % files = findfiles( ext ) % searches in the current directory and subdirectories. % % files = findfiles( ext, directory) % starts search in directory specified. % % Note: if this function causes your recursion limit to be exceeded, then % it is most probably trying to follow a symbolic link to a directory that % has a symbolic link back to the directory it came from. % % Examples: % % bmpfiles = findfiles('bmp') % dllfiles = findfiles('dll','C:\WinNT') % mfiles = findfiles('m',matlabroot) % Copyright (C) 2001 Quester Tangent Corporation % Author: Tony Christney, % $Id: findfiles.m 1.2 2001/03/16 21:28:37 tchristney Exp $ % $Log: findfiles.m $ % Revision 1.2 2001/03/16 21:28:37 tchristney % added some comments for external release, i.e. examples. % % Revision 1.1 2001/03/07 22:38:52 tchristney % Initial revision % if nargin == 1 directory = cd; elseif nargin >= 2 oldDir = cd; cd(directory); directory = cd; cd(oldDir); end d = dir(directory); fnames = {}; numMatches = 0; for i=1:length(d) % look for occurences of ['.' extension] in the file name extIndices = findstr(['.' extension],d(i).name); % if the file is not a directory, and the file has at least one occurence if ~d(i).isdir & ~isempty(extIndices) % then if the last occurrence is at the end of the file name, % add the file name to the list. if length(d(i).name) == (extIndices(length(extIndices)) + length(extension)) numMatches = numMatches + 1; fnames{numMatches} = fullfile(directory,d(i).name); end % otherwise, descend directories appropriately. % note that this could result in a recursion limit error if it tries to % follow symbolic links that loop back on themselves... elseif d(i).isdir & ~strcmp(d(i).name,'.') & ~strcmp(d(i).name,'..') fnames = [fnames findfiles(extension,fullfile(directory,d(i).name))]; end end