function WorkingDirectory = cdd(dirname) % CDD Change directories using the wildcard * % Change directories using * as a wildcard in the search % directory string name. The wildcard (*) may be placed either % at the beginning or end of the search string. Only a % single wildcard (*) is allowed. % % CDD .. moves to the parent directory of the current one. % CDD, by itself, displays the current working directory. % % WD = CDD returns the current directory in the string WD. % % The functional form of CDD, such as CDD('DirectoryWildcard'), % may be used when the target directory specification is % stored in the string DirectoryWildcard. % % For example, to change to directory TargetDirectory, % % CDD Tar* or CDD *dire or CDD *tory % % CDD is case sensitive, but insensitive to the occurrence of % spaces in the name of the target directory so that % % CDD Pro* or CDD *File % % changes to the directory "Program Files". % % Created by A. Prasad % Updated 8 May 1999 % % See also CD, PWD if nargin < 1 if nargout < 1 disp(' '); disp(pwd); disp(' '); elseif nargout == 1 WorkingDirectory = pwd; else disp('??? Error using ==> cdd'); disp('Incorrect number of arguments.'); disp(' '); end break end if strcmp(dirname,'..') == 1, cd('..'); break elseif strcmp(dirname,'.') == 1, break end LengthDirName = length(dirname); % Find asterisk character and quit if more than single wildcard asterisk = find(dirname=='*'); if length(asterisk) > 1, disp('??? Error using ==> cdd'); disp('Too many wildcards.'); disp(' '); break elseif isempty(asterisk) == 1 disp('??? Error using ==> cdd'); disp('Invalid wildcard.'); disp(' '); break else if asterisk == length(dirname), SrchDirName = dirname(1:(LengthDirName-1)); CurrentDir = dir; FindTargetDir = 0; for i=1:length(CurrentDir), dirflag = {CurrentDir.isdir}; if dirflag{i} == 1, SubDirList = {}; FindTargetDir = strncmp(SubDirList{i},SrchDirName,(LengthDirName-1)); if FindTargetDir == 1 TargetDirName = SubDirList{i}; cd(TargetDirName); CurrentDirectory = pwd break end end end if FindTargetDir == 0, disp('??? Error using ==> cdd'); disp('Target directory not found.'); disp(' '); end elseif asterisk == 1, SrchDirName = dirname(2:LengthDirName); CurrentDir = dir; FindTargetDir = []; for i=1:length(CurrentDir), dirflag = {CurrentDir.isdir}; if dirflag{i} == 1, SubDirList = {}; FindTargetDir = findstr(lower(SubDirList{i}),lower(SrchDirName)); if isempty(FindTargetDir) ~= 1 TargetDirName = SubDirList{i}; cd(TargetDirName); CurrentDirectory = pwd break end end end if isempty(FindTargetDir) == 1, disp('??? Error using ==> cdd'); disp('Target directory not found.'); disp(' '); end else disp('??? Error using ==> cdd'); disp('Invalid wildcard.'); disp(' '); end end