function g = sw_g(LAT,z) % SW_G Gravitational acceleration %=========================================================================== % SW_G $Id: sw_g.m,v 1.1 2003/12/12 04:23:22 pen078 Exp $ % Copyright (C) CSIRO, Phil Morgan 1993. % % USAGE: g = sw_g(lat,z) % % DESCRIPTION: % Calculates acceleration due to gravity as function of latitude. % % INPUT: (all must have same dimensions) % lat = Latitude in decimal degress north [-90..+90] % z = height in metres (+ve above sea surface, -ve below) % % OUTPUT: % g = gravity [m/s^2] % % AUTHOR: Phil Morgan 93-04-20 ( % % DISCLAIMER: % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. % See the file sw_copy.m for conditions of use and licence. % % REFERENCES: % Unesco 1983. Algorithms for computation of fundamental properties of % seawater, 1983. _Unesco Tech. Pap. in Mar. Sci._, No. 44, 53 pp. % % A.E. Gill 1982. p.597 % "Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics" % Academic Press: New York. ISBN: 0-12-283522-0 %========================================================================= % CALLER: general purpose % CALLEE: none %------------- % CHECK INPUTS %------------- if ~(nargin==1 | nargin==2) error('sw_g.m: Requires one or two input arguments') end %if if nargin == 1 z = zeros(size(LAT)); end %if [mL,nL] = size(LAT); [mz,nz] = size(z); if ~(mL==mz | nL==nz) error('sw_g.m: Input arguments should have same dimensions') end %if %------------- % BEGIN %------------- % Eqn p27. Unesco 1983. a = 6371000; % mean radius of earth A.E.Gill DEG2RAD = pi/180; LAT = abs(LAT); X = sin(LAT*DEG2RAD); % convert to radians sin2 = X.*X; g = 9.780318*(1.0+(5.2788E-3+2.36E-5*sin2).*sin2); if any(any(z)) g = g./((1+z/a).^2); % from A.E.Gill p.597 end %if return %===========================================================================