function [BETA] = sw_beta(S, T, P, keyword) % SW_BETA Saline contraction coefficient (beta) %======================================================================== % SW_BETA $Id: sw_beta.m,v 1.1 2003/12/12 04:23:22 pen078 Exp $ % % Copyright (C) CSIRO, Nathan Bindoff 1993. % % USAGE: [BETA] = sw_beta(S, T, P, {keyword} ) % % [BETA] = sw_beta(S, T, P, 'temp') %default % [BETA] = sw_beta(S, PTMP, P, 'ptmp') % % DESCRIPTION % The saline contraction coefficient as defined by T.J. McDougall. % % INPUT: (all must have same dimensions) % S = salinity [psu (PSS-78) ] % * PTMP = potential temperature [degree C (ITS-90)] % * T = temperature [degree C (ITS-90)] % P = pressure [db] % (P may have dims 1x1, mx1, 1xn or mxn for S(mxn) ) % % keyword = optional string to identify if temp or ptmp passed. % = No argument defaults to 'temp' % = 'temp' assumes (S,T,P) passed. Will execute slower % as ptmp will be calculated internally. % = 'ptmp' assumes (S,PTMP,P) passed. Will execute faster. % % OUTPUT % BETA = Saline Contraction Coefficient [psu.^-1] % % AUTHOR: N.L. Bindoff 1993, Lindsay Pender ( % % DISCLAIMER: % This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. % See the file sw_copy.m for conditions of use and licence. % % REFERENCE: % McDougall, T.J. 1987. "Neutral Surfaces" % Journal of Physical Oceanography vol 17 pages 1950-1964, % % CHECK VALUE: % beta=0.72088e-3 psu.^-1 at S=40.0 psu, ptmp = 10.0 C (ITS-68), p=4000 db %======================================================================== % Modifications % 93-04-22. Phil Morgan, Help display modified to suit library % 93-04-23. Phil Morgan, Input argument checking % 94-10-15. Phil Morgan, Pass S,T,P and keyword for 'ptmp' % 99-06-25. Lindsay Pender, Fixed transpose of row vectors. % 03-12-12. Lindsay Pender, Converted to ITS-90. % CHECK INPUT ARGUMENTS if ~(nargin==3 | nargin==4) error('sw_beta.m: requires 3 or 4 input arguments') end %if if nargin == 3 keyword = 'temp'; end %if % CHECK S,T,P dimensions and verify consistent [ms,ns] = size(S); [mt,nt] = size(T); [mp,np] = size(P); % CHECK THAT S & T HAVE SAME SHAPE if (ms~=mt) | (ns~=nt) error('check_stp: S & T must have same dimensions') end %if % CHECK OPTIONAL SHAPES FOR P if mp==1 & np==1 % P is a scalar. Fill to size of S P = P(1)*ones(ms,ns); elseif np==ns & mp==1 % P is row vector with same cols as S P = P( ones(1,ms), : ); % Copy down each column. elseif mp==ms & np==1 % P is column vector P = P( :, ones(1,ns) ); % Copy across each row elseif mp==ms & np==ns % PR is a matrix size(S) % shape ok else error('check_stp: P has wrong dimensions') end %if %***check_stp % ENSURE WE USE PTMP IN CALCULATIONS if ~strcmp(lower(keyword),'ptmp') T = sw_ptmp(S,T,P,0); % now have ptmp end %if T = T * 1.00024; % BEGIN c1=fliplr([ 0.785567e-3, -0.301985e-5 ... 0.555579e-7, -0.415613e-9]); c2=fliplr([ -0.356603e-6, 0.788212e-8]); c3=fliplr([0.0 0.408195e-10, -0.602281e-15]); c4=[0.515032e-8]; c5=fliplr([-0.121555e-7, 0.192867e-9, -0.213127e-11]); c6=fliplr([0.176621e-12 -0.175379e-14]); c7=[0.121551e-17]; % % Now calaculate the thermal expansion saline contraction ratio adb % [m,n] = size(S); sm35 = S-35*ones(m,n); BETA = polyval(c1,T) + sm35.*(polyval(c2,T) + ... polyval(c3,P)) + c4*(sm35.^2) + ... P.*polyval(c5,T) + (P.^2).*polyval(c6,T) ... +c7*( P.^3); return %------------------------------------------------------------------------