function H=tcolor(x,y,c,varargin) % for use like pcolor but with c as a true color matrix (uses texturemap for speed)... % % H=tcolor(x,y,c[,method]) % % valid methods are: 'corners','normal','triangles' % % The normal method is texture mapping unto the plane given by x and y % (which may be distorted arbitrarily) % % The 'corners' method is the fastest way to draw. However it requires that % the area is non-distorted... E.g. that the box defined by the corners % defines the area. % % The slowest method is 'triangles'... (sort of like pcolor). But shading % interp works with it. % % c=imread('C:\Projects\My Pictures\peppermint_girl.jpg'); % [x,y] = meshgrid(1:size(im,2),1:size(im,1)); % x=x+y/10; %skew the image % H=tcolor(x,y,c,'corners') % % Aslak Grinsted - July 2003 cax = newplot; hold_state = ishold; lims = [min(min(x)) max(max(x)) min(min(y)) max(max(y))]; method=1; %1=normal,2=corners,3=triangles if length(varargin)>0 method=strmatch(lower(varargin{1}),strvcat({'normal' 'corners' 'triangles'})); end triangles=0; switch method case 1 case 2 if length(size(x))==2 x=x([1 end],[1 end]); y=y([1 end],[1 end]); else x=x([1 1;end end]); y=y([1 end;1 end]); end case 3 triangles=1; otherwise error('Unknown method?') return end if length(size(x))==1 [x,y]=meshgrid(x,y); end if triangles H=patch(surf2patch(x,y,zeros(size(x)),im2double(c),'triangles'),'edgecolor','none','facecolor','flat'); else H=surface(x,y,zeros(size(x)),c,'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor','texturemap'); end if ~hold_state set(cax,'View',[0 90]); set(cax,'Box','on'); axis(lims); end if (nargout==0) clear H; end;