function hpatch=shade_line(x,y,color,y0) %SHADE_LINE - shade a line object about a horizontal line % SHADE_LINE shades a line about a horizontal line. % % INPUT : x,y - data abcissa and ordinate % c - optional color in [R G B] or 'c' form % default = [.75 .75 .75] (gray) % y0 - optional horizontal line about which % to shade. default = y=0; % OUTPUT : hpatch - handle to patch object drawn. % % CALL : hpatch=shade_line(x,y,c,y0); % % Calls: none % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton % Spring 1999 if nargin<2 | nargin>4 error('Wrong number of arguments to SHADE_LINE') end % % Assume 1-d data x=x(:); y=y(:); if length(x)~=length(y) error('Lengths of x,y must be equal') end if nargin==2 color=[1 1 1]*.75; y0=0; else if isstr(color) if length(color)~=1 error('Color string to SHADE_LINE must be ''r'', ...') end if nargin==3 y0=0; else [m,n]=size(y0); if m*n~=1 error('Size of y0 must be 1x1') end end else [m,n]=size(color); if m*n==1 % Assume this is y0 y0=color; color=[1 1 1]*.75; elseif m*n~=3 error('Size of color vector must be 1x3') end if max(color)>1 | min(color)<0 error('RGB colors must be >0 & <1') end end if nargin==3,y0=0;,end if nargin==4 [m,n]=size(y0); if m*n~=1 error('Size of y0 must be 1x1') end end end % patch data px=zeros(1,length(x)+2); py=zeros(size(px)); px(2:length(px)-1)=x; py(2:length(px)-1)=y; % Connect end points with y=0; % y0 should be input px(length(px))=x(length(x)); py(length(py))=y0; px(1)=x(1); py(1)=y0; hp=patch(px,py,color); if nargout==1,hpatch=hp;,end % % Brian O. Blanton % Department of Marine Sciences % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % % % Spring 1999 %