function resize_legend (hL, ResizeFact) %RESIZE_LEGEND - Changes LEGEND fontsize and axes position % %Syntax: resize_legend(hL, ResizeFact); % %Inputs: % hL Legend axes handle % ResizeFact Factor by which to resize the legend. % %Example: %Make fontsize and legend axes twice bigger % hL=legend(......); % resize_legend(hL,2); % % % Calls: none %Authors: Jim Phillips and Denis Gilbert %Last revision: 20-Mar-2001 if ~exist('ResizeFact','var'), warning('No resize factor provided') return end p = get(hL, 'position'); p(3) = p(3)*ResizeFact; p(4) = p(4)*ResizeFact; set(hL,'position', p) ht = findobj( get(hL,'children'), 'type', 'text'); set(ht, 'FontSize', get(ht,'FontSize')*ResizeFact) set(gcf,'Resizefcn','') %set(hL,'visible','off') %