% PERPVECPLOT routine to plot vectors perpendicular to view axis. % % PERPVECPLOT scales the magnitude of w and then % forces a vector of magnitude sc to be 10% of the x data % range. By default, sc = 1., so that a 1 m/s vector will % be scaled to 10% of the x data range. If sc=.5, then % a vector magnitude of 50 cm/s will be scaled to 10% of the % x data range. Decreasing sc serves to make the vectors % appear larger. PERPVECPLOT then prompts the user to place % the vector scale on the figure, unless scale_xor,scale_yor % is specified (see below). % % INPUT: x,y - vector origins % w - perpendicular velocity % These inputs are optional, but if one is needed, all % preceeding it wil be required. % sc - vector scaler; (optional; default = 1.) % % OUTPUT: h - vector of handles to the vector lines drawn, the % scale vector, and the scale vector text. % % NOTES: VECPLOT requires atleast 2 coordinates and vectors. % % CALL: hv=vecplot(x,y,w,sc) % % Calls: plots/drawperpvec % % Catherine R. Edwards % Last modified: 1 Feb 2004 % Scaling code by Brian O. Blanton % % function [hp,hc]=perpvecplot(x,y,w,sc) % Copy incoming cell array % DEFINE ERROR STRINGS err1=['Invalid number of input arguments to PERPVECPLOT']; err4=['Length of (x,y) must equal length of w.']; err7=['Second optional argument (sclab) must be a string.']; err8=['Both x- and y-coords of vector scale must be specified.']; % PROCESS THE INPUT ARGUMENTS % Length of varargin must be between 3 and 7, inclusive. if nargin<3 | nargin>4 error(err1) end xin=x;yin=y; win=w; % At this point, the copy of the input cell has been reduced to % contain the optional arguments, if any. if nargin==3 sc=1.;sclab=' cm/s'; elseif nargin==4 sc=sc; sclab=' cm/s'; end col='b'; % % save the current value of the current figure's WindowButtonDownFcn, % WindowButtonMotionFcn, and WindowButtonUpFcn % WindowButtonDownFcn=get(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn'); WindowButtonMotionFcn=get(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn'); WindowButtonUpFcn=get(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn'); set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn',''); set(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',''); set(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn',''); % SCALE VELOCITY DATA TO RENDERED WINDOW SCALE % RLs= get(gca,'XLim'); xr=RLs(2)-RLs(1); X1=RLs(1); X2=RLs(2); RLs= get(gca,'YLim'); yr=RLs(2)-RLs(1); Y1=RLs(1); Y2=RLs(2); % IF RenderLimits NOT SET, USE RANGE OF DATA % if(xr==0|yr==0) error('Axes must have been previously set for PERPVECPLOT to work'); end xpct10=xr/10; ypct10=yr/10; %FILTER DATA THROUGH VIEWING WINDOW % filt=find(xin>=X1&xin<=X2&yin>=Y1&yin<=Y2); x=xin(filt); y=yin(filt); win(filt); % SCALE BY MAX VECTOR SIZE IN U AND V % ws=w/sc; % SCALE TO 10 PERCENT OF X,Y RANGE % wx=ws*xpct10; wy=ws*ypct10; % SEND VECTORS TO DRAWVEC ROUTINE % [hc,hp]=drawperpvec(x,y,wx,wy,col); set(hp,'UserData',[xin yin win]); set(hc,'UserData',[xin yin win]); set(hp,'Tag','perpvectors'); set(hc,'Tag','perpvectors'); % OUTPUT IF DESIRED % if nargout==1,retval=[hp hc];,end % % return the saved values of the current figure's WindowButtonDownFcn, % WindowButtonMotionFcn, and WindowButtonUpFcn to the current figure % set(gcf,'WindowButtonDownFcn',WindowButtonDownFcn); set(gcf,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',WindowButtonMotionFcn); set(gcf,'WindowButtonUpFcn',WindowButtonUpFcn);