function h=landpage; % % LANDPAGE set up a fullpage plotting window, ~11 x ~8.5 inches % % LANDPAGE sets up a new figure that occupies ~11 x ~8.5 inches % (landscape paper orientation) and prints to a ~10 X ~7.5 % inch area on the printed page. This means the printed % figure has 1 inch margins for axis labels, titles, etc. % % Calls: none h=figure; % % set figure (window) size to ~ letter size % set(gcf,'Units','inches') set(gcf,'Position',[0.0 0.5 11. 8.5]) set(gcf,'PaperPosition',[0.5 0.5 10 7.5]) set(gcf,'Units','normalized') set(gcf,'PaperOrientation','landscape') set(gcf,'Tag','LandPage'); % % set axes (picture) size; this axes will be % overridden by the subplot command % set(gca,'Units','inches') set(gca,'Position',[1 1 9 6.5]) set(gca,'Units','normalized') % % Brian O. Blanton % Curr. in Marine Science % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % %