function jointfig(hfig,no_row,no_col) % jointfig(hfig,no_row,no_col) % --> joint subplots without any space between them % hfig : figure handler, if none, keyin gcf instead % no_row : No. of row subplots % no_col : No. of column subplots % % DO-SIG GONG, % mail: % HFRU/ISVR, University of Southampton, UK % latest modified at 99-03-01 7:27PM % % Calls: none % All the movement of subplots should be done in unit of points figure(hfig), hsubplot = get(hfig,'Children'); % convert the position unit from pixel into points : should be restored) set(hfig,'unit','point') % BEWARE! hsubplot has different order from the original subplot sequence % for instance, % % ----------------------- ----------------------- % | 1 | 2 | | 4 | 3 | % |----------+-----------| |----------+-----------| % | 3 | 4 | | 2 | 1 | % ----------------------- ----------------------- % subplot(22i) get(gcf,'Children') % % THEREFORE, transpose hsubplot into the one in original subplot sequence, like this.. hsubplot = hsubplot(length(hsubplot):-1:1); no_subplot1 = length(hsubplot); no_space = no_row*no_col; no_delta = no_space - no_subplot1; % in case of the odd number of subplots if no_delta, for i = 1:no_delta addsubplot = subplot(no_row,no_col,no_subplot1+i); hsubplot = [hsubplot; addsubplot]; end end no_subplot = length(hsubplot); % Default position of figure in a window in point coord for i=1:no_subplot, set(hsubplot(i),'unit','point'), tmp_ylab_pos = get(get(hsubplot(i),'ylabel'),'position'); ylab_pos(i) = tmp_ylab_pos(1); end new_ylab_pos = min(ylab_pos); coner1 = get(hsubplot(1),'position'); coner2 = get(hsubplot(length(hsubplot)),'position'); % position of lowest-left coner inix = coner1(1); iniy = coner2(2)*1.13; % axis line width alinewidth = get(hsubplot(1),'linewidth'); % total lengths total_xlength = (coner2(1) + coner2(3) - coner1(1)) + (no_col-1) * alinewidth; total_ylength = (coner1(2) + coner1(4) - coner2(2)) + (no_row-1) * alinewidth; % width of each subplot delx = 1.0 * total_xlength / no_col; % height of each subplot dely = 0.97 * total_ylength / no_row; %index_loop = 0; % total subplots index %for index_row = 1:no_row, % loop for row index % for index_col = 1:no_col % loop for column index % index_loop = index_loop+1; % % startx = inix + (index_col - 1) * delx; % starty = iniy + (no_row - index_row) * dely; % %%.......It's kind of bug of MATLAB % if alinewidth < 1.0 % set(hsubplot(index_loop),'position',... % [ startx - 0.5 * alinewidth * (index_col-1), ... % starty - 0.5 * alinewidth * (index_row-1), delx ,dely]); %% [startx-1.0*alinewidth*(index_col-1), starty+1.5*alinewidth*(index_row-1), delx ,dely]); % else % set(hsubplot(index_loop),'position',[startx, starty, delx ,dely]); % end % % subplot(hsubplot(index_loop)); index_loop = no_subplot+1; % total subplots index (reverse order) for index_row = no_row:-1:1, % loop for row index for index_col = no_col:-1:1 % loop for column index index_loop = index_loop - 1; startx = inix + (index_col - 1) * delx; starty = iniy + (no_row - index_row) * dely; POSITION = [startx, starty, delx ,dely]; %.......It's kind of bug of MATLAB if alinewidth < 1.0 POSITION = [ startx - 0.5 * alinewidth * (index_col-1), ... starty + 0.9 * alinewidth * (index_row-1), delx ,dely]; % POSITION = [startx-1.0*alinewidth*(index_col-1), starty+1.5*alinewidth*(index_row-1), delx ,dely]); end set(hsubplot(index_loop),'position',POSITION); subplot(hsubplot(index_loop)); iscale = size(get(gca,'yscale'),2); % 3:log, 6:linear % remove xlabels & xticklabels of subplots located in upper rows other than lowest row if index_row ~= no_row, if ~(no_delta & index_row == (no_row - 1) & index_col == no_col), set(get(gca,'xlabel'),'String',[]) set(gca,'xticklabel',[]); %remove xticklabel end end % remove ylabels & yticklabels of subplots located in right columns other than leftmost column if index_col ~= 1, set(get(gca,'ylabel'),'String',[]) set(gca,'yticklabel',[]); %remove yticklabel end % remove first yticklabel of subplots located in lower rows other than highest row, linear yscale only % .... only linear scale if index_row ~= 1 & iscale == 6 a = get(gca,'ytick'); b = get(gca,'ylim'); if a(length(a)) == b(length(b)), a = a(1:length(a)-1); set(gca,'ytick',a); end end % remove first xticklabel of subplots located in left columns other than rightmost column % .... only linear scale if ~no_delta, if index_col ~= no_col & iscale == 6 a = get(gca,'xtick'); b = get(gca,'xlim'); if a(length(a)) == b(length(b)), a = a(1:length(a)-1); set(gca,'xtick',a); end end else if index_col == no_col & index_row == no_row - 1 & iscale == 6, a = get(gca,'xtick'); a = a(2:length(a)); set(gca,'xtick',a); end end end end % get back to initial unit set(hfig,'unit','default') for i=1:no_subplot, set(hsubplot(i),'unit','default'),end % delete dummy subplots if no_delta, for i = 1:no_delta, delete(hsubplot(no_subplot1+i)); end, end