function [rrho, xxvec, yyvec] = density(x, y, dx, dy, xy0); % [rho, xvec, yvec] = density(x, y, dx, dy, [x0 x1 y0 y1]); % % 2-D probability density plot. % % Input: Vectors x and y of equal length. If dx and/or dy are omitted, the % default is 75 bins in each direction. % % If dx or dy is negative, then the variable is taken as the number of % bins rather than a grid resolution. % % The vector containing the limits can be padded with NaNs if only % certain limits are desired, e g if x0 and y1 are wanted: % % density(x, y, [.5 nan nan 45]) % % Output: The density matrix RHO together with vectors XVEC and YVEC. % If no output arguments are specified, DENSITY will plot the density % function with the prescribed axes using PCOLOR. % % Requires bin.m. Tested under MatLab 4.2, 5.0, and 5.1. % % See also bin.m for further details about dx, x0, etc, and ffgrid.m. % % 1.9.97 % % Oyvind Breivik % Department of Geophysics % University of Bergen % NORWAY DX = -75; % Default grid size x = x(:); if nargin < 2 y = x; end y = y(:); xy = NaN*ones(1,4); if (nargin < 4) xy0 = min(x); end if (nargin == 3 & length(dx) > 1) xy0 = dx; dx = DX; end if nargin < 3 dx = DX; end if (nargin == 4 & length(dy) > 1) xy0 = dy; dy = dx; end if nargin < 4 dy = dx; end nxy = length(xy0); xy(1:nxy) = xy0; if (isnan(xy(4))) xy(4) = nmax(y); end if (isnan(xy(3))) xy(3) = nmin(y); end if (isnan(xy(2))) xy(2) = nmax(x); end if (isnan(xy(1))) xy(1) = nmin(x); end x0 = xy(1); x1 = xy(2); y0 = xy(3); y1 = xy(4); if (dx < 0) dx = (x1 - x0)/abs(dx); end if (dy < 0) dy = (y1 - y0)/abs(dy); end ix = bin(x, dx, x0, x1); iy = bin(y, dy, y0, y1); % bin data in (x,y)-space xvec = x0:dx:x1; yvec = y0:dy:y1; nx = length(xvec); ny = length(yvec); inx = (ix >= 1) & (ix <= nx); iny = (iy >= 1) & (iy <= ny); in = (inx & iny); ix = ix(in); iy = iy(in); N = length(ix); % how many datapoints are left now? rho = zeros(length(xvec), length(yvec)) + eps; for i = 1:N rho(ix(i), iy(i)) = rho(ix(i), iy(i)) + 1; end rho = rho/(N*dx*dy); % Density is n per dx per dy rho = rho'; % Get in shape if nargout == 0 pcolor(xvec, yvec, rho) colorbar colormap jet xlabel(inputname(1)) ylabel(inputname(2)) dum = size(rho'); str = sprintf('%d data points, grid: %dx%d', N, dum(1)-1, dum(2)-1); title(str); end if nargout > 0 rrho = rho; end if nargout > 1 xxvec = xvec; yyvec = yvec; end