% plotting utilities % last update 2 Jan 2003 % % plots - plotting utilities % % arc.m - draws an arc % arrowsafe.m - "safe" arrows % blinksafe.m - markers on plot % cplot.m - colored plots % colorbarf.m - display color bar for a filled contour plot % contourpm.m - plots pos/neg contours % cslicecolor2linestyle- 3d companion to contourslice % ctdplotx.m - plot CTD parameters vs depth % ctdploty.m - plot CTD parameters vs depth % dateaxis.m - creates axis with dates % density.m - 2-D probability density plot % findfig.m - get figure handle from name % floataxisx.m - floating x axes % floataxisy.m - floating y axes % fullpage.m - full 8 1/2 x 11 page % gcp.m - get current point on axes/figure % get_fig_id.m - gets figure id % jointfig.m - mashes together subplot % labelab1.m - adds label to gca % landpage.m - full 11 x 8 1/2 page % landscapefigure.m % lastouch.m - keeps track of last object and type % marksafe.m - marks plots % movetext.m - very cool way to move text, although slow % mtitle.m - two line title % newclim.m - computes new color limits, see pcbar % normalfigure.m % pan.m - "pans" figure % patchleg.m - creates patch legends % patchplot.m - plots up to three set os of data as % patches on the current axis % pcbar.m - multiple colormap tricks, see newclim % plot3in2.m - plots 3-dimensional lines as in 2-dimensions % plotxx.m - % resize_legend.m % scrange.m - formats range of data % shade_line.m - shade a line object about a horizontal line % splotyy.m - plot graphs with Y tick labels on left and % right side % starsafe.m - "safe" stars % stickplot.m % sticksafe.m - "safe" sticks (immune to resize) % subtitle.m - centers a title over a group of subplots % supertitle.m - centers a title over a group of vert. subplots % tallfigure.m % undoc.m - undocumented properties of a handle % vecplotstick.m - routine to plot vectors % vecplotxy.m - sae as vecplot % wygiwys.m - what you get is what you see % wysiwyg.m - what you see is what you get % y2label.m - labels yy plots %