% % OPNMLINIT a setup file for OPNML matlab directories and datafiles. % % OPNMLINIT is a script that adds paths and variables to % the local workspace so that matlab functions written for % finite element work can be accessed. % % At the matlab command line prompt, type 'opnmlinit'. % % Brian O. Blanton % Dept. in Marine Science % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % blanton@marine.unc.edu % disp(' '); disp('Type "help opnml" for a list of routines written for '); disp('finite element related applications.'); disp(' '); set(0,'DefaultAxesBox','on') global OPNML OPNML='/afs/isis.unc.edu/depts/marine/workspace/hseim/credward/matlab/opnml'; % adding local paths to MATLABPATH ... % disp('adding local toolboxes (OPNML/FEDAR) to MATLABPATH ... '); addpath([eval('OPNML') '/FDCONT'],'-end') addpath([eval('OPNML') '/FEM'],'-end') addpath([eval('OPNML') '/IO_Functions'],'-end') addpath([eval('OPNML') '/MEX'],'-end') addpath([eval('OPNML') '/basics'],'-end') addpath([eval('OPNML') '/mat4'],'-end') addpath([eval('OPNML') '/VIZICQ4_1.2'],'-end') addpath([eval('OPNML') '/FCAST_1.2'],'-end') %add_grid_database; griddb;