function ineg=el_areas4(e,x,y) %EL_AREAS4 - compute triangular finite element areas % EL_AREAS4(e,x,y) computes the areas for the elements % defined by the element list (e) and the node coordinates % (x,y). The areas are NOT returned to the workspace, but % instead are stored globally in AR. An index of element % numbers whose areas are negative (if any) are returned. % Negative element areas indicate clockwise elemental % node numbering, instead of the conventional counter- % clockwise numbering. % % Call as: >> ineg=el_areas4(e,x,y); % % Written by : Brian O. Blanton (October 95) % clear global AR % DEFINE ERROR STRINGS err1=['matrix of elements must be 3 or 4 columns wide']; err2=['more than 1 column in x-coordinate vector.']; err3=['more than 1 column in y-coordinate vector.']; err5=str2mat('length of x or y does not equal the',... 'max node number found in element list.'); err6=['lengths of x & y must be equal']; % CHECK SIZE OF ELEMENT MATRIX % NELEMS = NUMBER OF ELEMENTS, S = # OF COLS % [ne,s]=size(e); if s<3 | s>4 error(err1); elseif(s==4) e=e(:,2:4); end % CHECK SIZE OF X-COORDINATE VECTOR % NX = NUMBER OF X-COORDINATE VALUES, S = # OF COLS % [nx,s]=size(x); if nx~=1&s~=1 error(err2); end % CHECK SIZE OF Y-COORDINATE VECTOR % NY = NUMBER OF Y-COORDINATE VALUES, S = # OF COLS % [ny,s]=size(y); if ny~=1&s~=1 error(err3); end % CHECK LENGTHS OF X & Y % if nx~=ny error(err6); end % MAKE SURE NUMBER OF NODES EQUALS THE MAX % NODE NUMBER FOUND IN ELEMENT MATRIX % MAXNN = MAXIMUM NODE NUMBER IN ELEMENT MATRIX % maxnn=max(max(e)); if maxnn~=length(x) | maxnn~=length(y) error(err5); end % COMPUTE GLOBAL DY % dy=[y(e(:,2))-y(e(:,3)) y(e(:,3))-y(e(:,1)) y(e(:,1))-y(e(:,2))]; % COMPUTE ELEMENTAL AREAS % AR=(x(e(:,1)).*dy(:,1)+x(e(:,2)).*dy(:,2)+x(e(:,3)).*dy(:,3))/2.; % ANY NEGATIVE OR ZERO AREAS ? % ineg=find(AR<=0); global AR % % Brian O. Blanton % Curriculum in Marine Sciences % Ocean Processes Numerical Modeling Laboratory % 15-1A Venable Hall % CB# 3300 % Uni. of North Carolina % Chapel Hill, NC % 27599-3300 % % 919-962-4466 % % % October 1995 %