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Matlab files in this Directory

Contents       OPNML/MATLAB4 routines - provided for backward compatibility
belint4        BELINT4 - compute shape function information for a FEM domain
drawelems4     DRAWELEMS4 draw FEM element configuration 
el_areas4      EL_AREAS4 - compute triangular finite element areas
genbel4        GENBEL4 Build a boundary element file (.bel) for QUODDY.
isophase       ISOPHASE contour a vector of scalar (phase) values on a FEM grid.
lcontour2      LCONTOUR2
lcontour4      LCONTOUR4 contour a scalar field on a FEM grid.
loadgrid4      LOADGRID4   load principle gridfiles for a given domain name (input)
plotbnd4       PLOTBND4 plot boundary of FEM mesh
tellipse       TELLIPSE plot ellipses from amp/phase specification of a vel field
vecplot2       VECPLOT2 routine to plot vectors.