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Function Synopsis


Help text

GENBEL4 Build a boundary element file (.bel) for QUODDY.

         GENBEL4 is a MATLAB5-compatible mouse-driven  GUI
         tool to build a .bel file, specifying boundary 
         condition codes by clicking on node numbers and 
         boundary types.

         Currrently, GENBE4L can create a new .bel
         from scratch, given only the .nod and .ele
         files for a domain, or it can read an existing
         one and edit the current codes. 
         GENBEL4 can also output a "node code" list for input
         into a .nei file.  At this time, corner nodes cannot
         be determined and must still be specified external to

         There is an "Info" line at the bottom of the
         figure which prompts the user for the next step.
         The "HELP" button provides more complete instructions.

 CALL as: >> genbel4

 GENBEL4 was written by: 
         Brian O. Blanton
         Department of Marine Sciences
         Ocean Processes Numerical Modeling Laboratory
         15-1A Venable Hall
         CB# 3300
         Uni. of North Carolina
         Chapel Hill, NC
         Version 3.0 (M5.0.0) Summer 1997

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

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