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Function Synopsis


Help text

 NUMSCAL label scalar (Q) values at x,y locations on current axes.

 Input:  x  - x-coordinate array
         y  - y-coordinate array
         Q  - scalar (1-D vector)
         ps - point size for screen text numbers (optional, def=8)

         NOTES: 1) NUMSCAL overlays existing plots regardless of
                   the state of hold
                2) NUMSCAL determines if the current density of nodes
                   is too high to make the node numbers readable.
                   If node density is too high, NUMSCAL displays 
                   a warning box asking the user if NUMSCAL
                   should plot the numbers anyway.

 Call as: >> numscal(x,y,Q,ps);

 Written by : Brian O. Blanton

Produced by mat2html on Tue Feb 2 16:15:45 EST 1999
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