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Function Synopsis


Help text

WRITE_BAT Write a bathymetry list to disk in .bat format.
   WRITE_BAT writes an element list to a file, in the .bat
   format as specified in the Dartmouth/Thayer School/NML
   File Standards for the Gulf of Maine projects.

   WRITE_BAT(Z,FNAME) opens a file named FNAME in "write" mode and
   writes the 1-column bathymetry list Z to the filename in FNAME,
   including the node counter as  the first column of the output 
   file. The user should include the .bat file extension in the 
   filename string FNAME.  Both arguments are REQUIRED.

   WRITE_BAT returns a 0 if successful and a -1 if not.

Cross-Reference Information

This function is called by

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