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Function Synopsis


Help text

 READ_TRN read a .trn file as output from the OPNML transect code


          If trnname is omitted, READ_TRN enables a file browser
          with which the user can specify the .trn file.

          Otherwise, READ_TRN takes a input the filename of the 
          transect data file, including the .trn suffix.

          The columns of the returned data part are:
              Dist.    Depths    Normal   Parallel   Vert.
              along      at       Vel.      Vel.     Vel.
              trans   Stations
               (X)       (Y)      (Vn)      (Vp)      (W)

          Read the "man" page for TRANSECT (type "man transect" at a UNIX
          prompt) for the format specifics of a .trn file.

          In order to plot the results of a transect, an element list 
          corresponding to the number of horizontal and vertical
          stations must be generated.  This list is output by TRANSECT,
          either as "trans.ele" or "ftn99".  Alternatively, this list can 
          be generated within MATLAB
          with the OPNML/MATLAB routine ELGEN.  The element list can also
          be generated with the OPNML binary code "elgen".  

          Make sure a semi-colon is used at the end of the command; 
          otherwise READ_TRN will return the data part to the screen.

 Call as: data=read_trn(trnname);

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