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READ_ICQ4 read a QUODDY4 .icq4 file
READ_ICQ4 reads in and parses the Quoddy 4 model
results contained in an .icq4 output file.
The contents of the .icq4 file are returned to the
MATLAB workspace as a structure contaioning fields
for each variable. Type "help fem_icq4_struct"
for a description of the icq4 structure.
Input: If icq4name is omitted, READ_ICQ4 enables a
file browser with which the user can specify
the .icq4 file.
Otherwise, READ_ICQ4 takes as input the filename
of the icq4 data file, either relative or
absolute, including the .icq4 suffix.
Output: The output of READ_ICQ4 is a fem_icq4_struct
containing the variables with in the .icq4 file.
The output structure can be passed directly to
OPNML routines that take .icq4 structures as
direct input, like VIZICQ4.
Call as: icq4struct=read_icq4(icq4name);
Written by: Brian Blanton and Charles Flagg (Dec 1998)
Produced by mat2html on Tue Feb 2 16:15:45 EST 1999
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