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Function Synopsis


Help text

READ_FEM_DATA read a FEM output file of standard filetype.
   READ_FEM_DATA is part of a suite of OPNML I/O functions  
   to read specific filetypes pertaining to FEM model  
   input and output.   These functions allow the user to
   get these data files into MATLAB without copying the
   files and removing the header info by hand.

   READ_FEM_DATA reads all FEM filetypes (.s2r,.v2c,...),
   as detailed in "Data File Standards for the Gulf of Maine
   Project" from the Numerical Methods Laboratory at 
   Dartmouth College.  

   READ_FEM_DATA returns a FEM_DATA_STRUCT to the local 
   workspace that contains all into needed by subsequent 

   If FNAME is omitted, READ_FEM_DATA enables a file 
   browser with which the user can specify the  file.

   Otherwise, FNAME is the name of a standard filetype, 
   relative or absolute (fullpath), including the filetype
   suffix.  This input is a char array so it must be enclosed 
   in single quotes.
   See FEM_DATA_STRUCT for a description of the struct array
 Call as: >> data_struct=read_fem_data(fname);

 Written by : Brian O. Blanton

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls

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