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Index for ./IO_Functions
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Matlab files in this Directory
read_bel READ_BEL read a FEM domain .bel file
read_fem_data READ_FEM_DATA read a FEM output file of standard filetype.
read_icq4 READ_ICQ4 read a QUODDY4 .icq4 file
read_nei READ_NEI read a FEM neighbor file of .nei filetype.
read_pth READ_PTH read drogue .pth file output from DROG3D or DROG3DDT.
read_s2c READ_S2C read a FEM output file of .s2c filetype.
read_s2r READ_S2R read a FEM output file of s2r filetype.
read_s3c READ_S3C read a FEM output file of s3c filetype.
read_s3r READ_S3R read a FEM output file of .s3r filetype.
read_trn READ_TRN read a .trn file as output from the OPNML transect code (obsolete)
read_ucd READ_UCD read an .inp file, an AVS-Unstructured Cell Data file with
read_v2c READ_V2C read a FEM output file of .v2c filetype.
read_v2r READ_V2R read a FEM output file of .v2r filetype.
read_v3c READ_V3C read a FEM output file of .v3c filetype.
read_v3r READ_V3R read a FEM output file of .v3r filetype.
read_vel READ_VEL read a FEM output file of .vel filetype.
write_nei WRITE_NEI Write a FEM neighbor file in .nei format.
s2c S2C Dartmouth FEM File Standard Filetype (Description).
s2r S2R Dartmouth FEM File Standard Filetype (Description).
s3c S3C Dartmouth FEM File Standard Filetype (Description).
s3r S3R Dartmouth FEM File Standard Filetype (Description).
v2c V2C Dartmouth FEM File Standard Filetype (Description).
v2r V2R Dartmouth FEM File Standard Filetype (Description).
v3c V3C Dartmouth FEM File Standard Filetype (Description).
v3r V3R Dartmouth FEM File Standard Filetype (Description).
write_vel RWRITE_VEL write a FEM output file of .vel filetype.
write_bat WRITE_BAT Write a bathymetry list to disk in .bat format.
write_ele WRITE_ELE Write an element list to disk in .ele format.
write_nod WRITE_NOD Write a node list to disk in .nod format.
writegrid WRITEGRID write a fem_grid_struct to separate gridfiles (.ele, .nod,...)
read_trn2 READ_TRN read a .trn file as output from the OPNML transect code
Contents OPNML/MATLAB5 IO-related routines