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Function Synopsis
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SAMPLE_FIELD_2D Mouse-driven 2-D FEM Field Sampler
SAMPLE_FIELD_2D is a mouse-driven 2-D field sampler prompts
the user to draw a box on the current figure, and
returns an array of coordinates and interpolated
field values. The input field array can be any number
of columns wide (scalar, vector, etc.) but must be as
long as the node coordinate lists in fem_grid_struct.
I.e., the fields to interpolate will usually come from
the FEM domain itself.
INPUT: fem_grid_struct - FEM domain structure on which the field
to sample is related (from LOADGRID, see FEM_GRID_STRUCT).
nx,ny - number of points in the x and y direction at which to
sample the fields Q. (REQUIRED, INTEGERS)
Q - the fields to sample. This array must be the same length as
the node coordinate arrays in the valid fem_grid_struct
passed in, but the number of columns is arbitrary.
box_coords - optional 4x1 vector defining the sample region.
The 4 values are [X1 Y1 X2 Y2], and if defined
they take precedence over the mouse-driven facility.
OUTPUT: S - an array containing the sample points and sample values.
If nx or ny==1, then S contains the sample points and
sample values in columns. Otherwise, S is an
[nx X ny X ncol] array, where ncol is the number of
columns in the input array Q and the first 2 levels of
S are the X and Y coordinates (X=S(:,:,1), Y=S(:,:,2)).
Points not located within FEM domain are assigned NaN's
as field values.
To contour the results in the case where nx and ny > 1,
call MATLAB's contourf routine with S appropriately
sampled. For example:
>> contourf(S(:,:,1),S(:,:,2),S(:,:,3))
CALL: S=sample_field_2d(fem_grid_struct,nx,ny,Q)
Written by Brian O. Blanton
Summer 1998
Cross-Reference Information
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